Date Night

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3rd POV:

"I appreciate all of your work, Kai. Oh, I have a date night tonight with Leah. I still want to keep Gibbs close so make sure he stays at the house." Alex instructed and tried not to smile. He already saw defiance in Kai's eyes.

"Right. Okay." Kai agreed. He was already planning on sneaking Gibbs out and spending the night talking to him, listening to him, touching him. Kai had thought about that all day. He almost couldn't wait to sit with Gibbs.

Kai wanted to drag him into the office and just sit by him. He just wanted to be in the same room. It wasn't enough to be in the same house. He needed to be in the same room. He knew this was weird but he couldn't care.

Alex left the office, smiling. He was curious about what Kai would do now that Alex gave Gibbs restrictions. He knew his friend Kai was going to sneak out. Alex wasn't missing this. He was getting ready for a date night and Leah was going to love this date. Alex hoped this worked out for everyone.

Kai read a file, the same paragraph five times with no idea what it said. He wanted to take Gibbs somewhere. Away. Private. Talk. Oh, he wanted to talk to his werewolf. He missed him. Kai missed his voice, his smell, his laugh, him. Kai never missed anyone. He dropped the file and hunted for Gibbs.

Where would he be? Swimming, hitting the bag in the gym? The library? Where should he begin his search? Wait, it was midnight. Sleeping, Gibbs would be sleeping, right. Kai had to calm down. He felt like a wild animal right now.



I was in my nice soft bed dreaming of Kai. Someone was shaking me. I opened an eye. I saw Kai bouncing on the bed like a little kid. I laughed. "I'm up. What are you doing?"

"I am sneaking my boyfriend out of his room!" Kai smiled. "I've never done it before and I wanted to try it!" He stood up and pulled me out of bed. "Want to run with me and freak out some animals?"

"Sure. Am I allowed?" I wasn't sure.

"You know, I'm not really sure, that is why we are going out the window!" Kai dragged me to the window and he stepped out.

I had a brief thought, a weird thought... If I was on a high level, could vampires fly? I wasn't asking that. He moved to the side of the escape window and I stepped out.

"This is fun! I have never done this before." I smiled at Kai as he took my hand and we ran through the yard laughing. I tried to be quiet and I shushed Kai a couple of times. I was sure that someone would hear us. I wondered briefly when we had become teenagers sneaking out of Dad's house.


3rd POV:

Alex and Leah were sitting on the roof. He had a picnic set up. Cheese, wine and fancy cookies that Leah loved. She was sitting on his lap. Sipping wine. "It's a beautiful night, Alex. Thanks for this."

"This is almost perfect." Alex smiled as Leah gave him a questioning look. "There is only one thing that would make it perfect." Alex started to clarify but he saw them. He watched his friend sneak a man out of a window in the middle of the night. They were holding hands and laughing as they ran from the house. Alex smiled. "It's a perfect night now." He sighed and pulled Leah closer.

"What is happening? Is that Kai?" Leah was shocked.

"Yes. Well, he has things to work out. He's getting there. He's in love." Alex knew that.

"With Gibbs?" Leah smiled. "It's about time." She sipped wine. "Why are they sneaking out?" She was suspicious. She watched Gibbs and Kai holding hands and laughing as Kai wrapped around Gibbs and placed a kiss on his cheek.

Alex laughed. "I told Kai that Gibbs was to stay at the house."

"Why would Gibbs have to stay here, Alex?" Leah was amused. Alex knew how to handle Kai.

"He doesn't. I just wanted to see what happened. Kai needed a date night. He looked defiant when I left. So, I made it a date night. We needed one too. I told him I was out for the night and then told him that Gibbs had restrictions." Leah gasped. "I know I'm terrible but I just watched my friend sneak a man out of a window like a teenager and I get to share it with you!"

Leah smiled and softened. "It is nice. Thanks for sharing this with me." Leah sighed. "Gibbs is perfect for him. I'm glad he didn't die."

"Me too." Alex was enjoying his night.


Sorry but here we are again with the different POVs. I hope you are still hanging in there! 

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