Meeting Of Two Worlds

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(A/N: This story does switch from first person to 3rd person at times, I wanted people to get a sense of all the characters. I hope it's not confusing. I wanted to try something different. I hope it works.)


 Third person POV: 

 Kai drove like a bat out of hell to the house. He was worried about Alex. He was pretty shaken when they talked last. He ran to the office and closed the door. Alex was sitting at his desk. The vampire Kai almost broke the door down.

"Calm down." Alex stated, sounding almost bored. "Get a drink and calm down. The twins are looking for him right after this moon."

Kai looked around the office a little frantic, like maybe Vince was in the room. He was hoping that Vince would be at the house so he could kill him. Kai was ready to kill him. It had been a while since he got to kill something and he was getting eager.

"They better find him before I get a hold of him. I will drain him dry!" Kai growled. His eyes were glowing an iridescent green.

"There is nothing that you can do right now so calm down. I need my calm, sensible friend. I have another problem." Alex had to inform Kai about Gibbs.

Kai took a breath and calmed down. He was less vampire-like. "Okay. What now? Did the human die?" He was waiting for it. He was ready to help dig a grave for the poor person. Humans never survived a bite.

Alex took a drink and a breath. "Nope."

Kai just stared. "What? That is impossible." He knew werewolves. Anyone bitten, died. Always. "Bitten right?"

"Mauled." Alex looked up at Kai, who was still standing, ready to pounce on anyone that threatened him or Alex. "Vince mauled him. I never saw anything like that." Alex was upset.

"You sure?" Kai stared at Alex. His body was still revved up and ready for a hunt.

Alex nodded. "I ran with Gibbs last couple of days, he changes faster than Matt." Alex stated and took another sip. "He's very pretty. He's enjoyable to hang out with." There was a hint of a smile on Alex's face. "Very enjoyable."

Kai just glared at Alex. They had known each other for a long time and Kai knew what this was. "Oh no! You are not trying to set me up with a werewolf! A new one? You don't even know him! No wolves. No vampires. No humans! Do I have to make a list, Alex!"

"I have spent the last two days with Gibbs. You are going to love him. He's perfect for you!" Alex promised. "He growls just like you."

With that comment, Kai growled and Alex suppressed a laugh. "You are worse than Wayne. He used to try this crap. He finally gave up. Why do you still care?" Kai always wondered. "You have to stop collecting people and then proceed to set me up with them. I radiate nothing but fear and hatred. No one is attracted to that."

Kai gave up trying to find a woman a long time ago but Alex always tried. Kai knew better. He had no chance with anyone. He knew he was alone and would be for...well, forever. Kai didn't really mind, he enjoyed being alone but he hated when Alex tried to set him up. It always reminded him again that he was scary and alone.

"Trust me on this one." Alex smiled. "Keep an open mind and suck it up because he is on his way in."

"Damn it, Alex." Kai moved to the bar and poured his glass of whiskey. He needed a drink but more than that, he needed something to do and he wanted this over with. He heard the door. Gibbs was in the room, he could smell the new wolf. He smelled like a werewolf.

Tia was with Gibbs. He didn't want any wolves, they were too complicated. Too high maintenance. He was killing Tia and Alex later. What was Alex thinking? A wolf?

Kai turned with the intention of being rude. He was going to send this guy away just like the rest of them. They were all the same, Kai thought as he turned to him, he froze. Everything disappeared.

This guy was gorgeous. Kai was going to hell for sure. Their eyes met when Kai turned around to growl at Gibbs. Kai was going to scare him and make him go away so he could get on with life, as it was.

Kai couldn't do it. He couldn't be rude to Gibbs and didn't want to scare him away. He had blue eyes, the color of a bright blue sky. Kai's favorite color. Gibbs was tall, six feet tall, maybe a little taller. His hair was cut short and cute. Pixie cut. The bangs swept over his forehead. Kai wanted to touch his hair.

Gibbs was very pretty. He bit her lip and Kai had the urge to bite his lip too. Gibbs blushed and said hi. Kai was turned on immediately. Damn it! How can a person have that kind of effect on him? He wanted to listen to this guy talk forever. Kai had forever and that suddenly didn't sound like a bad thing.


Tia dragged me into Alex's office and I looked down at the cream colored carpet. I wondered how he kept it so clean. It was a weird thought for just an instant, only because I didn't do well with stuff that was white. I spilled things. I wanted to think about anything but this meeting.

I didn't want to meet anyone. I was grouchy and jittery. I was ready to jump out of my own skin and I had already yelled at someone this morning. I was ready to leave the office before I walked in and I could feel him looking at me. I could feel his eyes so I looked up.

I couldn't breathe. He was gorgeous. I didn't even know who he was but I knew he was the most gorgeous person I ever saw in real life. He was wearing a black suit. His tie was loosened and his jacket was draped over the bar. He looked relaxed. He had long legs and those were really nice shoes. My eyes traveled back up his legs, stomach, chest, his face..

He had sharp features; High cheekbones, a long nose and a broad mouth with nice perfect lips and green eyes with long, dark lashes. I could stare at his face for the rest of my life. His eyes were a very intense green.

He was intense. His dark hair touched his shoulders. The contrast of his dark hair, pale skin and green eyes was hypnotic. I almost melted and he was just looking at me. I wished I had a camera to take tons of pictures of this man. He was perfect from every angle.

I had no control over my eyes, they did as they pleased. I ran my eyes from his face, down his body to his feet and back up. I wanted to look away but my eyes traveled to his full bottom lip. Oh, I could bite that. I wondered if he was a good kisser. He looked like he would be.

His eyes glowed. Oh, he was taller than me by a couple of inches, at least and that was a turn on as well. I noticed there were muscles under that dress shirt that I would love to be surrounded by and I almost drooled.

He said hello and I almost melted into a pool on the floor. His voice vibrated over my entire body. It sent fire up my spine and made my whole body shiver. Oh, yes. I wanted to listen to him talk every day, all the time. I would never get tired of him.


Tia left and Gibbs didn't even notice. Alex sat back and smiled. He watched a vampire and a werewolf stare at each other. They weren't even talking. He propped his feet on the desk and just watched. He wanted to see how long this lasted. He never figured that Kai would actually find Gibbs attractive. He never showed interest in anyone. He was clearly interested in Gibbs.

Kai always made the girl mad or scared by now and they were fleeing for their lives. These two were staring at each other and there was no fear.

Alex had expected the normal reaction. Kai would snap and make a snarky comment, offend her or scare her and send the women away, almost crying. Kai never stared at anyone this long and never held their interest.

The women seemed more afraid than interested. Even women that didn't know who he was, were scared of him. Alex thought that Kai liked that everyone was scared of him. This one was different and Gibbs was a guy. Alex had never thought of introducing a guy to Kai. Was Kai into men?


I hope you are enjoying this story! Thanks for reading if you are still here!

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