Another Chapter with food

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Kai took me to an all-you-can-eat restaurant. Now we're talking.

"If you hate it we can go somewhere else." Kai sounded unsure for the first time since we met and I was a little shocked. He was trying to please me. How sweet.

"I love it, Kai." I raised up on my toes and kissed him and we walked in. I had a plate and was filling it and Kai followed me with a plate and loaded it for me. I finally talked as we sat at our table.

"With the new lifestyle, I am always hungry." I said in between bites.

"That and the extra activities." Kai winked as I blushed.

He was probably right though. I ate my plate of food and Kai's plate and went back up. That was when I realized that he didn't look human when we were out with regular humans. Kai looked like a vampire out in public. Some people stared and others were trying not to look. I was happy that I could just stare at him. He was very pretty, if guys could be pretty. He was pretty and unworldly.

"I hate that you are watching me eat!" I sighed as I finished a sip of water.

"Are you kidding? Gibbs, I would quit my job and spend the rest of forever watching you eat. I have never enjoyed someone's company so much in my life!" Kai promised.

I closed my eyes and absorbed that sentence.

Kai knew that was something that the wolves did when they were happy. He had seen Leah do it with Alex. This brought him joy. He wasn't sure Gibbs knew he was doing it and didn't want it to stop so Kai didn't say anything. He just enjoyed it.

I opened my eyes. "I have never been more comfortable around anyone in my life either." I felt I should say that and I wanted to say that to him.

"I can't believe you never ask me the normal questions." Kai said very randomly.

"What?" I had no idea what he meant.

Kai smiled. "You know, like age, food, favorite animal, coffins, all that junk."

I chuckled. "Oh, well, vampires. I guess old. Age is not important and I kind of don't want to know. Food, no questions there. I don't know if you sleep upside down and coffins don't make sense. They are funny though and they would make sense if you couldn't go in the sunlight. If it burned, I would sleep in a coffin to stay out of the sun and your favorite animal is probably a bat. I want to get to know you, not what you are."

Kai smiled at me. I knew he wasn't expecting that kind of response. "Although, I kind of had the urge to ask if you can fly!" I paused. We both laughed. "I should tell you that I was interviewed by your people. Will asked if I was dating you for money. Well, they all asked that. They are protective of you."

"I'm sorry if they offended you. I'll talk to them." Kai said with a threat implied.

I touched his hand. "No, they were fine. They were looking out for you. I wasn't offended. They thought that I was after your money but I think they are just trying to figure this out. They said you never bring anyone to the house." I bit my lip. "And I'm a guy!"

"Oh. Well, I know better." Kai smiled and couldn't take his eyes off my lip. "You're not after my money."

"I could never do that. I didn't even think about money. I'm not after anything. Just you. You are all I want. Ever." I hoped Kai knew that. "I would live in a box with you."

"Gibbs, I know that. I know you. They'll learn so it's okay. Just so you know, what I have is yours. All of it." Kai smiled kindly at me and it made him more handsome.

"Kai. I don't care. I want nothing but you. Only you. I don't even want to know so don't tell me." I meant that. "I'm in love with you, not what you have to offer."

"I know." Kai smiled at me. "I feel the same. Well, I do love you and what you have to offer!" He winked at me over the table.

I blushed. "Dirty talk at the table!" I bit my lip and laughed. I forgot about the lip thing. His eyes were on my lip again. "I have a weird question but it's only because I saw it in an old movie. It's stupid really."

"What?" Kai was curious.

"Hypnotism. Can you hypnotize someone?" I was sure he could. I was hypnotized when I looked at him.

Kai laughed. "No. I don't even think that is real. Maybe suggestions or something but to make someone bark like a dog or kill someone? No."

"I don't know. I look in your eyes and I think I would do whatever you tell me." I confessed.

Kai smiled. "I will keep that in mind for later!" He threatened.

"Okay. I'm done!" I loved it when he threatened me. I was ready to leave the very public place.

"You sure?" Kai wanted to make sure I had enough to eat.

"I have to be done or we are going to get kicked out of here, arrested maybe." Kai nodded. "Most likely, arrested." We were going to be naked on this table and this was a family restaurant.

"I'm done!" I was excited to leave at this moment. Kai tipped the server and we left. And I mean we rushed out like the building was on fire.

We found a back road and the back seat. It was unplanned and fantastic. I was right, having sex with Kai in the backseat was amazing.

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