Dealing with The Angry Dad

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"Dad, living room." I demanded. I was done eating. Everyone was staring and Tia looked worried and had a 'we are talking later' look. Blink followed me.

"Do you know what you have done? Do you understand what you allowed him to do?" Blink asked before we got to the living room. He was angry.

"Yes. I know." I rolled my eyes at my dad. "It is not like he is some monster that forced himself on me. He is my friend and lover. Kai is my husband." I was defending Kai. I sat on the couch.

"He is The Devil, Gibbs!" Blink shouted.

I stood up and glared at him. So much for having a nice talk. I guess we were yelling. "I know, Dad! I know. I love him! I know about him. Dracula, the son of the devil himself. I know. I don't care. I have dated monsters. Kai is the best person I know! He is your friend, the same one that helped you a thousand years ago!"

"Gibbs, it was not a thousand years ago." Blink corrected and sounded annoyed.

"I know. It does not matter. I want to be with him. If we just got married in a ceremony or whatever. It would have been forever. This is just more intense. I know this is sudden and I'm sorry about the timing but I wanted to be his. He is mine, already" I knew he was my mate.

"I do not have to like it." Blink didn't like it but he could feel the anger subsiding. He could never hold grudges or stay angry for long. Kai was a friend so he would have to adjust. They didn't hide this and he could appreciate that.

I shook my head. "No. I am not asking you to like it or agree with it. I just want to be honest. No more lies and no more hiding. No more secrets. I am sick of them."

Blink nodded and thought for a moment. This was his friend. He knew Kai. Kai would die rather than hurt Gibbs and he knew that. Gibbs would always be safe and protect and love with the intensity of a thousand suns and that would never die out. Kai would understand Gibbs and give him anything and everything that he will need. "He is a good man, huh?" Blink knew he was.

"Yes, he is, Dad. I love him. You should let him off with a warning!" I smiled.

Blink hugged me as he relaxed. "My best friend is my son-in-law. What have you done to me?" This was our first and only fight and it didn't last as long as I thought.

"I blame you!" I laughed and hugged him harder. My dad wasn't a hugger before this.

Kai walked in and looked ready for battle. Blink walked over and hugged Kai. Kai was stunned as they hugged. "You better take good care of him, Kai." My dad half threatened as he released Kai.

"Thanks for taking the wind out of my sails! I had a whole speech ready!" Kai walked to me. "I promise that I will take good care of Gibbs forever. I am sorry. I didn't do this to hurt you. I lov0e him. I need him, Blink. I need him more than air and blood."

Blink nodded. "Can you promise me one thing?" Blink smiled. Kai just nodded. "Let me give you a Faerie wedding ceremony. I want to give Gibbs to you, my friend. Big and elegant. Something fit for a king."

Kai smiled. "We can do that. Thanks, Blink."

I melted. I was a we!

"Oh, wait. I am going to need some things!" Now was the time to make my demands.

Kai looked at me and raised one eyebrow. "Like?" He would do anything for him.

"A ring, a proposal, romance. A date night that involves food!" I smiled.

Kai laughed and kissed me. "That would be my pleasure." Kai purred and I melted again.

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