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I ran into the woods. My wolf comforted me and didn't even ask for control. I didn't go far and laid down. I listened to nature sounds and calmed down.

"I'm going to look for him." Kai stated after an hour. He paced for an eternity. It felt like that. He found Gibbs with no problem. He was sleeping in the grass under a tree. Kai bent down, moved his hair from his face and kissed his cheek. He took off his shirt and covered him. "Hey, are you okay?"

I heard him. I smiled and remembered what had happened. "Oh. Yes. Sorry. That was unexpected. That should be the title of my autobiography! Unexpected!"

Kai smiled and helped me up. I put on his shirt. "Thanks for talking to me." He looked worried. He was sure that Gibbs would be angry at him. Never talk to him again. Kai would never hear his voice and he was sure that would be the end for him.

"I'm not mad at you." I touched his face. "My dad should have told me this years ago. This is ridiculous!" I kissed Kai hard and stormed off to yell at my dad. The freaking Faerie King! "Faerie King!" I mumbled under my breath.

He was on the porch waiting. "So. You are the Faerie King. You have known Kai for a thousand years? Don't fix it. I don't care!" I figured it hadn't been that long. I figured that Kai was probably five hundred years old? Maybe older... so, my father fit in there somewhere. I never read about this war in human history books so I didn't know. This story happened sometime after Kai became the Devil.

My heart fluttered at the thought of Kai helping people. No matter what his life was like, he still helped others... but my mind wandered. Sorry. Back to my father...

"We were friends and fought together, yes." My dad started. He was so worried that Gibbs would find out someday or Ban would find him. "I lived in fear."

"Blink?" I asked and he nodded. I was figuring this out on my own, apparently. "Right. Ban is my uncle. Dickweed." I breathed. "We hate him. Got that. Kai helped you and now here we are."

"I met your mom and we settled here. I found this place and made it home. I was trying to be normal here!" Blink looked tired. This visit was over.

"Right. We have to go. But I want to tell the whole story when I come back." I smiled as I watched his expression.

"You are coming back?" Saul looked worried that I wouldn't.

I nodded.

"You are my dad. I know you were trying to protect everyone. I love you. Stop hiding things from me. We do have a war of our own to get ready for and I need to go. We need to go." I felt that our time was up.

"Can I get the short version?" My dad requested and I looked at Kai.

So, I explained briefly. "Vince, that wolf, thinks he should kill who he wants. When he wants. Me, for example. We have to stop him. There is a group called The Liberators. We have to fight them. I will let you know what happens." I promised.

"Right. Go and come back. Kai?" He waited for Kai to nod. "Take care of my son."

"With my life." Kai promised and opened my car door.

We drove away. 

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