Cleaning Up

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We had a week of clean up and everyone was helping to clean up the battlefield; that was a bonding experience. All of the covens and packs were helping. I met Hattie finally. She was a lovely African American woman. I was shocked because she was beautiful. I don't know why but I pictured an old wrinkled woman with a cane. She wasn't very tall but I wouldn't have messed with her. She looked like she was seventeen but I could tell she was much older and wiser. Kai trusted her. She promised to visit and invited us to visit her.

Hattie looked at me. "So, Kai finally found a keeper. I have heard great things from Wayne. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Gibbs."

"Hattie. It is great to meet you. I'm glad that you were here to help us. We needed all the help we could get. Thank you." I shook her hand. She nodded.

"Take good care of this man. He is a handful." She smiled at Kai.

I laughed. "Yes, he is." I leaned on him and he wrapped an arm around me.

"Kai, I expect a visit and you better bring Gibbs with you." Hattie smiled and walked away. She didn't wait for a comment. She was thrilled that he found someone. Wayne had once tried to set them up together. It didn't go well but they remained friends.

We stayed busy. I was in the field with Kai and we were moving bodies and collecting weapons. I found the one that I dropped while I was changing to run to the house.

A tall man walked up to us. "Your Majesty?" He had a deep voice.

"Liam, how are you?" Kai was happy to see Liam in person.

"Sorry to bother you. " Liam held out his hand. Kai shook it. "I just wanted to say thanks for helping here." Liam was thrilled. He saw Kai on video but now he was face to face.

"Never a bother, Liam. Any time." Kai promised. "It's great to meet you in person."

"I just wanted to thank you for showing up. I was surrounded by vampires and I thought I was going to die when rumors of your arrival spread. They surrendered. They heard you were here and gave up." Liam smiled. He couldn't believe that he was talking to Kai. This was the King. His King. He should have addressed him as You Majesty or Your Highness. Maybe he messed up? Kai didn't seem upset so he might be okay.

"Oh, I wondered. I only saw four vampires here. I figured that the others got away." Kai was curious.

"No, Your Majesty. There was a considerable amount of vampires when we arrived. They surrendered. You helped more than you know. Thanks." Liam paused. "They are in custody now. Awaiting trial. They heard that Dracula had arrived, fighting with us and they gave up. We couldn't have won that without you!" Liam stopped and just stared. "Sorry. I still can't believe you are Dracula! Sir. It is an honor to meet you and if you ever need anything, be sure to call." Liam held out a business card. Kai took it. Liam bowed and walked off.

I raised an eyebrow. "That was hot!" I smiled and Kai rolled his eyes. "Why did he call you that?"

"Because I am their King, Gibbs. I'm the king to all supernatural people. It's complicated." Kai said, like that was something that everyone said. He was still looking around for bodies.

"Oh. Okay." I had nothing. I didn't know what to ask so I just kept working. We were moving more bodies. I saw some vampires looking our way. It happened a lot. "Maybe you should go over and say hello." I had to suggest that or we were going to keep getting stares.

"Uh..I don't know about that." Kai wasn't sure he should approach people. He knew that people were scared of him. He knew what his image was and had done nothing to change it.
"Look, they are dying to approach you but they are too scared. You would make their day!" I took his arm. "Come on, Your Highness." I pulled him over.

"Your majesty." Three vampires said at the same time and bowed.

My wolf is ready to take them out for the look they are giving Kai. He is mine!

Kai cleared his throat. I knew he heard me and put his hand in mine, linking our fingers. "Everyone alright?" Kai asked. He had seen them in battle.

"Yes, Sire. Thanks for your concern. I did not think you cared about us!" The guy blushed. "Sire!" He sounded nervous.

"Of course I do, Dean. I care about all of you and wouldn't want to see anyone killed because of this kind of lunacy. I am relieved that you are okay!"

Dean wondered how Kai knew his name. Maybe it was a gift that the King had. He always seemed to know everyone's name. "We are just fine. We are sorry for this too. Sorry that some of us can not just follow the rules. It is not that difficult!" Dean was getting worked up again. "Sorry!" He looked at the ground.

"I know what you mean, Dean. No need to apologize." Kai replied and smiled.

I could tell that they had been working hard. They were dirty from moving bodies and searching for anyone that was left. "We appreciate the help." I added.

Dean was looking at me. "Oh. I am rude. Dean, Marsha, Hanna. This is Gibbs. My husband." Kai introduced me. They all stared and saw the mark. "Oh! Your Majesty!" Dean stammered and the ladies followed with a bow.

"Oh, that is not necessary but thank you!" I blushed. Kai is their king, I am not anything to them.

"Oh, Gibbs. You are. You are their prince." Kai reassured me. The vampires knew it.

"I am sorry, Sire. We should have seen that sooner!" Dean exclaimed as he apologized. He hadn't seen the mark and he hadn't realized that they were leaving Gibbs out of the conversation.

"You are fine, Dean. Neither of us were offended. Thank you for your help." Kai nodded and left them to work. He took my hand and we returned to our area. We still had work to do. We worked and I was sweating my ass off as we worked.

"I still don't think I'm their prince, Kai. I'm afraid they will be offended by me trying to be something that doesn't belong to me." I said or pointed out. I was worried and didn't want to overstep my bounds.

"Trust me, my dear. You are their prince."

"How can you be sure? Just because you marked me and we are married doesn't make me a vampire prince! I'm not a vampire!" I thought I was being logical and vampires didn't make sense to me.

Kai smiled and kissed me. "Do you want to know how we know? How they knew?" I nodded. "We were speaking Vampire. Only the true royalty could have understood what we were saying." Kai smiled again and kissed me hard. I was stunned.

Kai brought me a bottle of water and we worked through the night. I knew the vampires were watching us. I wondered what they were thinking as we worked in near silence.

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