A Night With Kai

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(I lied... this chapter switches POVs just a little... it was needed. sorry!)


I almost beat Kai and we stopped racing and just ran. It was gorgeous out here. I jumped over boulders and he followed. He jumped off a cliff into a river and I followed. The water didn't even feel cold. It should have and I knew that.

There was a tall cliff. A hundred feet, four hundred. I didn't know but it was high. Kai jumped up and climbed the sheer rock face without any trouble. He jumped down without a sound and smiled. He showed me a pretty purple flower.

It's beautiful but I can't really take a flower right now. It smelled pretty too. Thanks.

"I know but I saw it and had to show it to you. Sorry if I scared you." Kai was worried.

That was awesome. You didn't scare me. I can't believe you climbed that for a flower! I looked up at the top of the cliff.

"For you. Anything." Kai stated and it felt like a promise.

He cleared his throat. Was he flirting with a wolf? He had to stop. As he thought that, he knew he had no intention of stopping.

Thanks, Kai. He was so perfect and I just stared at him. Even in my wolf form, I loved him.


3rd POV:

His body vibrated when Gibbs thought of his name. He realized that he had a crush on this werewolf. Was that even possible? A crush? He was too old for a crush on a human. Well, Gibbs wasn't a human. Huh? Right. Kai touched his fur and relaxed. He was just accepting this crush.



Kai touched my fur and I closed my eyes. I couldn't stop flirting with him. I was in trouble. His hand was big and gentle and strong. I watched him squeeze a coyote and break its back with these hands. Now, they were so light and gentle. I loved the way he wrapped his fingers in my fur.

Kai was hungry and Gibbs didn't seem upset about it. Kai wanted to show him everything he could do. He never had that thought before.

I watched Kai hunt. He was like a silencer on a weapon. A very dangerous silent weapon. A fast weapon. I watched him get a mountain lion and the contrast was astounding.

In the office, he was wearing a suit and he was calm, more human and now he was all teeth and claws and drinking a mountain lion. He was all vampire here.

He could never be mistaken for a human, not out here. Damn. He was hot. I have a major crush on this vampire.

I hadn't meant to think that and hoped he wasn't listening. I didn't know how telepathy worked. Maybe he could only hear certain thoughts? I hoped he missed that one. He was busy with a mountain lion. I had to be more careful.

I could feel the change coming. Damn it! I looked around. I was about to be naked. I found a tree and shifted into a naked human behind a tree, in the middle of the desert somewhere in Colorado. I barely made it behind the tree.

"Uh. I have to figure that part out, huh? Can I, uh, borrow your shirt? I don't want to walk to the house naked." I asked from behind a tree.

"I may want to see that!" Kai joked. Well, half joked. He wanted to see Gibbs naked. He had to slow himself down. He took his shirt off and handed it to Gibbs around the tree without looking. "It will be cold."

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