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I woke up and had no idea what time it was.

"Good morning or afternoon." Kai corrected, softly, in my ear.

I smiled. I was thrilled that he was wrapped around me again. "Morning."

"There is coffee and food. I know you're hungry!" Kai looked into my eyes and smiled. He looked so relaxed and calm. This is the first time I've seen him look calm.

I just realized that I never look at my ring. I held up my hand and I gasped. "Oh, Kai! I never even saw it before! This is too much!" I knew nothing about rings and diamonds and carats. But I was pretty sure that this cost a fortune. "This is the prettiest...I don't...!" I was in tears.

Kai wiped my tears. "I had it made. That is an aquamarine gemstone and those are amethyst stones." He shrugged. "I had no choice. This was you and me."

"It's perfect! I would have been happy with a plastic ring from a quarter machine!" I smiled.

Kai touched my face and kissed me. "I know. So I spent almost a quarter on this one." Kai smiled.

"Please don't tell me. I'm nervous enough already. What if I lose it?" I was worried.

"I will buy you ten more. You are worth more." Kai kissed me and I melted.

"I love you. Someday, I will feel like I deserve you." I sighed as Kia looked into my eyes with those gorgeous glowing green eyes.

"Trust me, Gibbs, you deserve more than me but I will try." He kissed my neck and saw his mark. We knew it would never heal. I could tell that Kai was turned on. Kai took my mouth with his. I gasped for air as he kissed me. I could feel how much Kai wanted me and I was shocked. It always shocked me how much he wanted me. "Sorry. That keeps happening when I see my mark on you!"

I laughed and flipped him to his back. I slid onto him hard and fast. I didn't stop until both of us were undone and gasping for air. I was proud.

"Okay, now I'm starving!" I was lying on the bed.

Kai nodded. "Me too." He pulled out a black bag from under the bed that I hadn't seen. He took out a bag of blood to drink as I grabbed a hotel robe.

"Oh, soft!" I burrowed into it and ate at the small table.

I watched my vampire drink his meal. Kai watched me while he drank. I was turned on and that kept happening. I crawled halfway to the bed and he took me on the floor. I was never going to get enough of that man. It still blew my mind that this was My husband.

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