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We were standing by the hedges. "Come on. Everyone is asleep."

"Right here?" I didn't want to be seen.

"It's just me. You're safe. Promise. Let's go." Kai needed to hunt and be wild. "Let's freak out some animals, maybe hunt and talk." He wanted to hold Gibbs hand and talk. Kai wanted to listen to him all night.

Kai kissed me and folded my clothes as I took them off. It felt great to be the wolf again and I couldn't believe that this felt normal. I felt like I have been a werewolf for my whole life. I may never understand any of this supernatural stuff.


3rd POV:

Kai saw two people on the roof as he was putting Gibbs's clothes behind the shed. He glared at Alex and Leah. He saw Alex smile and raise a glass. Kai was helpless to stop this date night. He didn't plan it but it was good to know that Alex had.

Alex knew that Kai was going to take Gibbs out. He had planned his night around it. Alex knew Kai better than he thought. Kai laughed, shook his head and took off over the hedge with Gibbs. He wasn't telling Gibbs. Maybe.



We ran over boulders and around them, up mountains and through a grove of small trees. Kai caught a coyote and finished it off. He was looking for a mountain lion. He loved those. There was a grassy area. We stopped. I looked around to see if there was danger, which was stupid and I realized we were the predators.

This was amazing, being here at night with Kai. Alone. There was nothing but the stars and a sliver of moon. I was a little relieved that it wasn't a full moon. I wanted to talk to Kai.

Kai took his shirt off. "This is for you. I figured we could talk." He waited. I shifted into a naked human and I put on the shirt. "Thanks, Gibbs."

"Thanks for the shirt, Kai." I whispered back to him.

"I love it when you say my name." His eyes glowed iridescent green as he watched me button my shirt. "Sit before we're not talking!"

I smiled and sat down beside him. I had never had anyone want me like he did. I loved it. "Kai." I said for good measure.

He took my hand and held it. I never wanted to let go, the contact was exactly what I needed. He had promised a night like this. I only just realized how much I really missed him all week.

"Keep talking like that and you will find yourself being attacked by a vampire." He teased.

I smiled. "I kind of want to accept that challenge."

Kai laughed and shook his head. "You are the only one that would see that as a challenge. I want to know everything about you!"

I stopped smiling. "No, you don't. I was a terrible person." I was suddenly sad. "I died in those woods and I am trying to be better but I died. Who I was... is dead." I took a breath. "I hope." I hated to think about it. I didn't want to tell him that story. I didn't want him to know anything about who I was before.

"I know but I want to know about you. I haven't wanted to know anyone like I do you. Please." Kai would have begged.

I was powerless against him and he said please. Of course, I was going to tell him. "Well, okay. No judging!"

He nodded.

I was only going to tell him everything because it was Kai and he asked. I would do anything for him. I had a feeling I couldn't say no. I wanted him to trust me. Love me. Keep me. I told him the whole story. Everything. Didn't leave anything out. He was silent throughout the whole story. I finished the story with dying in the woods. I was playing with the grass and found a rock to roll around in my fingers. I was afraid to look at him.

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