Into To Vince and Alex

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Vince had another fight with Alex. He had killed a couple of homeless people on the last full moon and Alex wasn't letting it go. Vince claimed it was an accident; Inside he was laughing but he didn't need another lecture.

"We can't go killing people, Vince. We are here to keep people protected. It's our responsibility and you know that." Alex was frustrated.

"I know and I'm sorry." Vince tried for his best 'remorse' face.

"Don't let it happen again. There are rules. We have to keep our people safe. I am the Alpha and you are my Beta and my friend. Vince. What is happening with you? I'm worried." Alex sounded worried.

"I know. I know Alex. I'm sorry. I let my wolf go too close to town. I didn't mean to and I had to fight to get back. I didn't know he was going to do that. I took care of the bodies and it won't happen again." Vince pleaded. He had to buy some time. He had a contact and he needed to get away. He needed to talk to someone.

"Okay. I have a meeting and Kai will be here soon. You may want to make yourself scarce." Alex warned Vince. Kai was losing patience with Vince.

Vince was angry. "Oh, he is such a hypocrite! Do you realize how many people he has killed? More than there is sand on a beach! He was killing long before he was turned. He has killed long after also." Vince was scared of Kai. He had a healthy respect for what Kai could do.

What had he done? He just killed a couple of homeless people. That was nothing for Kai. Vince knew Kai would do it again if his hand was forced. Vince had to get away quietly. He would have to be smart and wait for the right time. A mistake would cost him his life.

Kai wouldn't stay here forever. Vince couldn't pull anything off with Kai still here. Damn vampire.

"We are all aware of what Kai has done but this is about you. What you have done, Vince." Alex needed a drink. Vince was acting crazy and he didn't know why. Something was up.

"Okay. I didn't give us away. We are safe. They were homeless. Right? No harm. No fowl. Humans will be none the wiser, Alex. Sir." There was bitterness there. Alex caught it but left it. "I'll be in my room." Vince walked out before he had to face the vampire. He didn't want to hear Kai's opinion.

Tia was the only female wolf (werewolf) that fought with them. Vince was acting weird and she was keeping an eye on him. She watched him as he left the house. They were allowed to leave but that added to the strange behavior made her curious. She thought about following but she didn't want to get caught. She went to Alex instead.

Tia took a breath and knocked on the office door.

"Tia, come in." Alex stated and Tia obeyed. She was always nervous when Kai was at the house.

"Sir. Sorry to interrupt but I was keeping an eye on Vince and he just left the house. He is acting very strange." Tia looked at Alex's desk.

"I agree. I know this was tough for you. Thanks for looking out for me, Tia." Tia was keeping tabs on the Beta and she knew that was not usually done. The Beta was in charge if the Alpha was out. Vince was above her. Alex could kill her for this report, if he wanted.

"Thanks, Sir. I wasn't trying to gossip or step above my place but he is acting very strange. I'm worried." Tia was still looking at the desk.

Kai moved to the bar. "I agree. He is actively avoiding me, Alex. I saw him leave as soon as I got to the driveway. I thought that was strange as well." He poured a drink and took a sip. He knew that Tia was afraid of him and he sighed.

"I know. He killed a couple of homeless people in town last night." Alex began.

"What?" Kai slammed his glass on the bar and some liquid splashed out. "Where did that asshole run off to because I will hunt him down! He knows the rules, Alex. He knows. He is the Beta for crying out loud! He knows we can't go killing whoever we want." Kai was furious. Vince was out of line. Kai was close to tracking him.

"Calm down. He said it was an accident and he covered his tracks. He said the wolf took over and he almost couldn't get back. I'm not sure how much is true. Vince is an older wolf and I know he has experience. I'm not sure what's happening. Tia, let me know as soon as he gets back, yeah?" Alex sighed. He had a bad feeling that this wasn't over.

"Yes, Sir. I will." Tia nodded and left the room. She couldn't wait to get out of the office. Vampires. She shivered. Where did he even come from? He had a habit of just being in a room, just like now. He was just there pouring a drink. It was unnatural and scary.

Kai sighed. He hated that everyone was scared of him. He could smell Tia's fear and it still lingered in the room. He shook his head and took a sip of his whiskey. He was going to be alone for the rest of forever.

Vince. Alex had to deal with this problem first.

Kai didn't want anyone and he was fine all alone. Right. Yes, but he was tired of the fear. He hadn't killed anyone in a long time but there was still fear. Kia's thoughts bounced back to Vince. He wanted to kill Vince. He hated that wolf. He was unstable and Kai knew it. Alex was giving him the benefit of the doubt and Kai knew he was wrong. He would have to wait.

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