Screams reverberated in the silent room as he screamed at the intensity of the electric shocks passing through his body by the electric collar.

And there we go, conscious again.

I tapped his cheek and he looked back at me exhausted and with hooded eyes,
"Why? You didn't like my art? See it's your company." I called out holding his hair and making him look down at his stomach again.

There it was, a spark sign.

"That's a lightning bolt baby." My girl whispered and I looked down at the sign frowning.

"But looks like a spark too, doesn't it?" I asked looking over my shoulder as my hands pulled the knife still stuck in his stomach.

She just smirked, but her entire body was shaking by the amount of rage she wanted to let out.

Soon, my queen, soon.

I turned back to him and threw the knife away smiling at him,
"You lost."

He glared at me even in that state, and then I have no idea how but the man suddenly got the strength to look at my girl,
"I a-am your f-father!" He said stuttering but pretty clear he was which ticked me off.

I held his jaw in a bruising grip in one hand and used the other to hold his throat, tightening my hold,
"You are nothing! No fucking thing, and I don't fucking want to hear a thing from your shit ass mouth about her. DON'T SAY A WORD TO HER, DON'T LOOK AT HER WITH YOUR DISGUSTING EYES, YOU DON'T EVEN BREATHE IN HER FUCKING DIRECTION, YOU HEAR ME?"

His face was turning blue slowly and I swore the satisfaction of seeing his life drain out was so fun but nah, he doesn't deserve an easy death like that.

I loosened my grip and the man was so eager to die he just had to say,
"J-just kill me a-already, like I k-killed you bitc-"

Poor man couldn't even complete his when my girl was out of her seat, probably unable to control herself, she was so fast I couldn't even dare stop her when she slammed her fist into his jaw.

I winced as I saw a few teeth flying out of his mouth, but she didn't stop, she kept punching him for daring to utter about Blue after what he did.

I should just kill him now too, but I want him to feel every single breath leaving him when he dies, I want him to die in the worst pain possible.

So that when he goes to hell, he remembers every second of it and lives through it even after death.

I want to be the last person he sees before he dies so that he sees his own death in my eyes and realises every single thing he did wrong and every crime he committed.

Aly kept punching the man until he broke his jaw, there we go, the man sure doesn't get to speak now.

"Wanna say something now?" I teased the man whose jaw was bloody and at an awkward angle now, spit dripped down his lips.

Aly went and got a metal bat and then started her gorgeous dance again, slamming the bat over every single bone over his body and breaking it.

Whenever the man passed out, I shocked him so that he doesn't fucking ruin my girl's fun.

I could see he was about to die soon so I pulled Aly away, her body was covered in his blood and I wanted no more of it on her now.

I tucked her hand behind her ear and handed her her gun,
"Shoot whenever you want okay?" I said softly and she nodded, her eyes stuck to the asshole's dying useless body.

I turned back to the man whose body was full of broken bones and asked Mike to come in and loosen the chains, the man's body dropped to the floor.

I looked over him and this time I didn't give him any smile, now he only sees his death in my eyes, his blood all over my face and I want him to think only about me when he fucking does us a favour and pass on.

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