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Everyone started to take their lives back, which unfortunately means we were separated.
Yet we are still in contact often, and we just don't see each other as often as before.
Lately has taught me a lot, and I have grown as a person.
Although my life used to be full of tragedy, and bullying, it has changed me positively.
I hope people realize that life is not a fairy tale, whether you have money or not.
I have a well running business, but it didn't make me happier.
Some things just can't be bought with money.
By the way, after Jack's umpteenth invitation, I went to my hometown, where they officially apologized to me.
I have forgiven them, and I have to say this was the conclusion I needed, to be able to let go of everything.
I feel much lighter now, and look at the world with completely different eyes.
Sometimes we walk the most difficult paths, which lead us to the most beautiful destinations.
As much as a view may seem, face it with your head held high.
How long it takes is entirely up to us. It's all about mindset.
I went back to the Netherlands where I can let our son Rafael grow up in peace.
Yes I named our son after his father, and he is really the image of his father.
I also talked to Rafael's parents, and we clear everything for their grandson.
There will be a lot of video calling, so that they see their grandson grow up, and of course when I come over to the US he will go to his father's parents for days, and stay.
I am still single, and I don't need a man in my life either.
I am open to a relationship, but in the future.
I finally realized that Rafael might not have been the first man I loved, but that he was my great love, with which I wanted to build a future.
I personally think Rafael knew how dangerous his mission was, but thought he would never have me 100%, and therefore don't mind if something happened to him, but no he had me 100%.
My business is still going well, and have made new friends here in the Netherlands.
Although I don't grant anyone my life experiences, it has made me who I am.
I am no longer insecure, now know how to stand up for myself, and already feel more comfortable in social life.
My main focus of course remains my son, who gives me so much joy, and love, no man can stand that.
No, you don't need a, we live happily ever after, to be happy.
We need to learn to be happy with what we have, not with what we want.
Just don't start a relationship when you're not ready, because it won't make you happy.
People don't want to be alone, or are afraid to be alone which makes them search, and force, but I can assure you that that way you will find the right person in your life, and keep spinning in that visual circle.
Since Rafael I've come to realize those things, and although I'm still crying nights for him, our relationship has taught me a lot.
And I tell you, I don't need a man, my life is now comfortable, and stress free.
I hope for all my friends, and people that they also find their happiness, and not chase something they are not ready for.

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