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I let out a long sigh, and then started my car.
I made a quick meal, and then went to work with my own online business.
Things went well, and I earned quite a bit again.
Why do I actually keep working? I don't need the money, and I don't need the stress with Giovani either.
I can do so many things, but hinder myself  by continuing to work.
I called Juul she always knows how to cheer me up, and she is one of the few who knows about my online business.
Kait you don't need it, why don't you devote more time to your own business?
Yes but....
No Kait no but's you ask my opinion, and I'll give it to you.
Why are you trying to keep looking for excuses to keep working?
I decided to make the decision after a long conversation and with Julia.
Today after a little over a year of work experience I decide to stop, and invest more time in my own business.
I still had vacation days left that I recorded, and after that I won't go back.
Mr. Romano understood, and we said goodbye to each other.
I said goodbye to people, and rushed to my car.
Kait! I heard Steve calling.
With a sigh I turned around, and put a smile on my face.
Hi Steve I said as cheerfully as possible.
You resigned?
Why? Is that our fault?
It's not just about you Steve I said a little annoyed.
I know it's because of me, you won't sit with us anymore.
With an excuse you fuss Anna away from you, you ignore us on the app, and....
I don't ignore anything I said quickly, I hadn't spoken to anyone.
It's not my fault that you take it personally I snorted
Why do you react so irritated? he asked when he crossed his arms.
I don't have time for this Steve, I have to pack my stuff because I have things to do.
We always told each other everything Steve said angry, but now you're talking to me like I'm a stranger.
Steve it's not you or Lynn okay? I don't feel well, so I'm leaving for a while.
As I said before, I wish you a happy life together.
I got in the car and just wanted to close the door.
I've been waiting for you Kait, but you pushed me off, every time we took a step forward you retreated.
You gave me hope, and then you closed the door infront of me.
I couldn't do it anymore, when you gave in to my attempt I was afraid that I was going to get that blow again so I withdrew myself so that you couldn't always drill my hope into the ground.
Lynn caught me and cleaned up the shards you created.
I know you had a bad childhood, and I know what kind of situation you were in, and that you have a problem to trust people, but I didn't want to let my feelings played anymore.
I swallowed a lump, and was just able to squeak out a sorry.
Me to he said with a sad look in his eyes.
Not that it matters, but I wanted to give us a chance, I said gloomy.
I'm late with you, and I never wanted to hurt you, so this is best.
I really hope Lynn can give you that what I can't.
I got in the car, and drove away as fast as I can.
The suitcases were packed, and decided to go to my grandmother's.
I enjoyed the nature that surrounded this city, trying to get my thoughts together.
Jack has become engaged to his childhood love, and one of my bullies.
Still, when I was there, he couldn't completely leave me alone, and blamed me for rejection.
I really can't have a men's drama I thought gloomy.
I'm not made for love I said to grandma when I poured coffee for us.
Don't say that child, everyone deserved love he just wasn't the right one.
It's my own fault I said shaking my head.
Nonsense child, if he were really the one he wouldn't have done what he did.
He didn't do anything wrong I kept him on a leash, I'm the one who gave him hope, and then pushed him away.
It's time for you to start working on yourself my child.

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