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I felt tired from the trip, and since I am still recovering I decided to stay in bed, and try to get some sleep.
I was so tired that I soon fell asleep.
I was gently shaken, and when I woke up, my grandmother stood there.
Come dear the food is ready, and she walked out of my room.

I quickly freshened up, and went to the kitchen too, and I'm not going to lie, but I was lost for a while before I found the stairs.
I need a map I grumbled when I entered the kitchen.
You'll get used to it dear.
It smells great what did you make?
I made a mac and cheese she said when she put a plate in front of me.
Should you not take your medication first?
But it makes me so tired I sighed, I groan.
You are supposed to take a rest child.
I know, but it will make me crazy, as soon as I can do everything again, and can do I will exercise here.
For dessert, grandma had made a homemade pudding with lemon.
The weather was lovely, and my grandma wanted a walk.
We walked along the coast, and watched the sunset.
I didn't know that something as simple as sunset could be so beautiful, and soothing, grandma said.
Don't you miss your husband now?
She looked at me with a sad look.
I would lie if I said yes admitted grandma, the only good thing about him was that I had your mother to love.
Your grandfather was not a good man, he had several affairs, and always caused problems with others.
If you live in such a city as where we come from, marrying someone you love is a luxury.
Strangers were not tolerated, and you are lucky to meet someone in our town who is good.
Unfortunately, I was also unlucky that my father found it necessary to choose for me.
Your grandfather comes from a respected family, and my father thought it was important that our bloodline remained pure, and did not mix us with scum as he called the lower ranks.
I just understand that there are rank orders.
There are everywhere sighing grandma, only in a small town like ours the line between elite and the ordinary citizen is very thin.
Who decides if you are elite?
Our city is weird so if you are rich, you have more rights than if you are an ordinary worker.
What money can do with people.
We walked quietly in silence again, each in our own thoughts.
I woke up the next morning, looking around me disoriented until I realized where I was.
It was already ten o'clock in the morning, and I was amazed at how deep I slept, because for weeks I slept badly, because I was afraid.
Apparently I feel safe enough, because I was really in deep sleep.
The phone next to me started ringing, and I felt  familiar fear.
Shit he found me I thought Panicky .
With trembling fingers I grabbed my phone, and when I saw Giovani's name I felt relief, but also something else.
I felt butterflies in my stomach.
Good morning Giovani I said in a soft voice.
Good morning Bella, how are you? Did you sleep a well?
I'm good thank you for asking, and to be honest, this was my best night in weeks I confessed.
That's good to hear.
Say listen once I was digging through your business, and I have to say I'm very impressed, but I saw a few things that if you adjust it will accumulate more income.
Do you trust me?
We can do this together, then we can  videocall  and you can tell me what you want, and then I will  do it?
That would be nice, because then I can focus my thought on something else.

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