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I know about your past, and I just knew you weren't ready for a relationship that might inadvertently keep me on a leash, and give me false hope.
I really loved you, and when I accepted it myself I wanted to show you that I was ready
That evening at Juuls I had dressed with care for you, I wanted to show you that I was ready.
We had talked to each other for a while, and knew that I wasn't ready for a relationship, and that it's good that it never became something between us, because we had only hurt each other even more.
We hugging each other, and he went back to Lynn.
Some friction had ariset in the group of friends, but luckily we were able to talk it out.
I did feel guilty that there were cracks in our group, and that even people who were very close to each other had tensions.
And I was mainly the reason, and that was uncomfortable to hear, because it has never been my intention to tear the group apart.
They came up for me against Steve, and Lynn which caused tensions.
Fortunately, everything has been said, but I do feel certain tension between me and Lynn.
They said give it time it's also her pregnancy hormones, but deep down I know better.
She accused me of almost losing Anna, and that the other didn't like that she ran off with Steve while Steve has always indicated that he likes me.
They didn't think it was okay that she came in between us.
I had assured everyone that that was not the case, and that it is only a good thing that it never became something, because I was emotionally not ready for it.
Although I cleared the air, Lynn still saw me as a threat, and Steve should not come near me, or give me too much attention.
Every time we talked I got side eyes, and she tried to get Steve's attention.
I know stress isn't good for the baby, so I distanced myself from Steve.
I told him that was better for now, because too much stress is not good for the little one.
Steve knew I was right, but was not happy with the situation.
He didn't want to lose me as a friend, but he has to think about his family now.
After months of working out my idea, my first shop will be body, and beauty products.
I asked Aurora if she wanted to manage the shed.
And staff who sort the products, package, and make sure it will be shipped.
I found my wholesaler, and have a shed in mind.
Aurora handled the applications, and hired seven employees for now.
And I had found someone who took on the online shop, and I myself arrange the financial part.
I prefer to keep an eye on my finances myself, because you have to let someone manage your finances, and that's where the problem lies, I don't trust anyone and certainly not with money.
I had hired a photographer to photograph my products, and sent the best photos to my social media manager who can set it up.
Next weekend I hope to be able to officially put my shop online.
Photos were also forwarded to my social media administrators so they can advertise.
Of course I also advertise myself on my own private channel, and my blog.
Although I've handed over a lot, I'm quite busy.
So glad I listened to Juul when she told me to stop working at the company because that had all become too much.
I was working at my favourite coffee corner when the door opened, which means new customer.
I was too busy paying attention to who goes in and out.
Hi Kait I suddenly heard next to me.
I was startled, and looked into the eyes of my old boss Mr. Romano and his annoying son.
Oh good afternoon sir I said with a smile.
Just call me Luciano sweetheart he said with a friendly smile.
Good afternoon Giovani I said out of politeness.
He gave me a brief nod, but said nothing for the rest, and looked at me.
May we sit there with you, Luciano asks.
Yes of course, I said kindly
How are you Kait?
I have to say you look good, and you seem changed.
Thank you sir I mean Luciano, I feel excellent, I just set up another new project, and I am handling some things.
A new project asked Giovani eventually.

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