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He wants to apologize for what happened in the past, and what happened recently.
And you don't know whether or not to go?
What would you do?
You know what kind of hell I lived in.
I think you need that closure grandma told me carefully.
I don't know, I want to leave the past in the past.
Still, I think it will be good for you.
Maybe you should bring someone?
Would you like to join?
If you feel comfortable with that, yes of course, and those people can also apologize to me.
I'm going to try to sleep grandma thank you, and I'm going to think about it.
Is good sweet child sleep well.
Soon I fell into a deep sleep, but like every other night I am chased by all events, and I was a quarter past four in the garden smoking a cigarette.
I've always kept sleep pills away from me, but sometimes I might think I'll give it a try.
The problem is not getting to sleep, but the nightmares I have.
After all the events I no longer feel safe here.
Maybe it's time to move I thought with a sigh.
The next day during my coffee I was already looking around for another house.
I don't need a very luxurious house with twenty bedrooms, and ten bathrooms, I just want a nice cozy house where I can feel safe.
In the end I found something and immediately made an appointment for a viewing.
Then I went to visit Aurora, to see how things are going there.
It was already quite extensive, and things were going great.
We were chatting for a while, and she told me about all her plans, and I said I want to help her invest, at first she didn't want to know about it, but in the end we came to an agreement.
I was already allowed to visit the house today, so when it was time I drove there at ease.
It was a nice house, and it certainly had potential, but I didn't feel the click to buy.
Don't worry we'll just keep looking.
I decided to get a pizza for dinner, with a girls movie.
After the movie, I sat in the garden enjoying a warm evening while I went to do my accounting.
After a while I got so tired that I decided to try to go to sleep, and for the first time successfully I was able to sleep all night without waking up sweating.
I felt so rested when I woke up that I just thought this is the day, this is the day that happiness is on my side.
While I was having breakfast I continued looking for a house, and worked some.
During lunch time I thought I was going to spoil myself with lunch at a bistro.
I saw Robert, Anna, and Steve come in, and when they saw me they immediately came to me and greeted me with a hug.
I invited them to the table.
Howare you doing Kait? Anna asked.
Going well I slept for the first time last night, and has been sitting in a public space for an hour without fear.
That's good to hear.
Kait is it okay if I come by after work?
I would like to speak to you in private.
Uhm yes you can, I said doubtfully.
Thank you came out whispering, and he got up, and the rest followed him.
Break is almost over, we'll see you later girl said Anna who hugged me.
Robert also gave me a hug, talk to you later Kait he said while clapping me on my back.
I'll talk to you soon Rob, and say hello to Juuls.
Steve came up to me, but instead of a hug he gave me a hand, and squeezed it softly.
Until tonight Steve I said with a lump in my throat.
I went home, and started preparing the food.
Then I quickly took a shower, and changed my clothes.
I decided to put on skinny jeans, with an xl blouse that I put on one side between my pants.
I decided to put on my glasses, because I suffered a bit from dry eyes, so lenses are no go.
I braid my hair on both sides, and put on a little bit of make up.
I already grabbed two glasses, and a bottle of wine, and waited impatiently for Steve's arrival.
Ik stak al de derde sigaret op in dertig minuten terwijl ik wat nerveus op Stev

My journey to healingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن