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I see that you and Steve can go through a door together again, Aurora said.
Yes we are coming close, but we are not there yet I agreed.
And what about your feelings for him, is it friendly, or could it still blossom?
If I'm honest, I don't know.
Did I really have feelings for him, or was it just the idea, because he was the first man that give me  attention, and made me feel like I was beautiful?
I really doubt everything I sniffed.
Kait you have experienced a lot in your life, you are traumatized by an entire city, it is not surprising that you doubt.
Believe me deep down you know, but you know what the psychologist said: you have to let go of your old life if you want to move forward.
Have you been able to leave everything behind?
Do you think I need a psychologist again?
No I think you know it all very well.
The only problem is that you let yourself be guided by fear too much, and that you don't want to hurt anyone, but you torment yourself the most.
That's true thank you for the conversation, I needed wise words, and no longer encourage you to do stupid things.
We all mean it well Kait, but I think they forget that you are not like them.
They are freer, and found it less bad to have physical contact out of lust.
Don't change, or try to look like them.
Don't think you should live more freely, if that's something you're against.
I know you, you're not like that, and now you're breaking because you did something against your character.
Think of this as a wise lesson and stay true to yourself.
Thank you I said with tears in my eyes.
We walked out of our bedroom and joined the rest at the breakfast table.
I saw that Steve kept a place for me free next to him, I knew everyone was sitting behind this, and let up I wanted to sit next to him, but Aurora saw the situation, and pushed me aside, and sat down next to Steve.
Aurora looked at me and gave me a wink, and I nodded slightly at her gratefully.
Fortunately, they were quickly back into discussion about what we were going to do today.
They decided to rent a quad bike and then drive off road.
I was a bit skeptical about it at first, but eventually agreed.
Robert, and Juul both had separate quad, because Julia is a woman who loves challenges.
Aurora was summoned to go behind with Julia, and I with Steve.
I shook my head because they were obvious with their plans to get Steve, and me together.
I took my helmet on, and climbed on the back of Steve.
Hold me tight he screamed almost inaudibly.
We were on our way, the wind blowing past me gave me a sense of freedom, and I became looser and looser.
When we decided to have a drink somewhere, I asked Steve if he wanted to teach me to ride a quad.
Sure I'll help you he said smiling
We sat on the terrace by a lake for a while, before we went back.
I was allowed to drive a bit, and I felt Steve's warm body pushed against my back.
When the road became too rough for me, he came up to me even more, and from behind me he began to take over the ride.Although it seemed difficult to me how he sits, I didn't hear him complain.I just saw that he enjoyed my closeness.

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