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I think I found your Steve giggled Juul when she finished typing.
Ohh he is thirty-two years old, dark hair, and gray blue eyes.
He looks good Kait said Julia with a wink, and showed the photo to Aurora.
Stop! It's not my Steve, and I felt 50 shades of red.
He's really nice Kait said Julia staring at her phone.
He's just a colleague I grumbled.
The rest of the evening Steve was the main conversation.
Thirty-two years haunted my head when I was in bed.
The next day I came to work and saw Steve coming, and felt shy.
That's the cutest greeting I've ever had.
I got it warmer right away, and tried to cover my face.
Not only did yesterday's conversations come up, but he does indeed look good.
He stood in front of me and gave me an embrace.
Good morning Steve came out muttering.
Are you okay Kait?
Yes of course, I'm sorry I whispered.
No sorry sweetheart you don't do anything wrong.
We were chatting before I went to my workplace.
Oh yes a meeting today I sighed frustrated.
Why are meetings so boring I thought tired, and had to do my best to not fall a sleep
Miss Sweet I saw that you had a request, as far as the staff are concerned.
I saw Mr. Romano junior's eyes looking my way right away.
That's right, I was with office staff yesterday, floor employees whatever you want to call it.
It has come to my ears that some employees are very dissatisfied and thinking of leaving.
I think we need to accommodate the employees a bit, because they are the organs of the company.
What nonsense are you talking a fierce Mr. Romano junior screamed.
We are good enough for them, they are just ungrateful dogs he roared.
Mr. Romano junior I don't understand your outburst.
As a boss, and deputy director, it is your job to pay attention to your work members.
Remember that they are the ones who bring in the money.
I see that the sickness absenteeism is quite high, and if you sit a little more among the floor workers instead of making a VIP part for the higher you will hear a little more what's the problem here.
If they don't want to be here they can leave it echoed through the meeting room, and although I was very shocked by this outburst I tried not to show it.
Steve, Lynn, Anna and I decided to have a cup of coffee at a coffee corner during the break.
So you look like you've run the marathon Anna said shaking her head when I was numbered out in the chair.
The boss's son, and I were always in conflict, he challenged me, and had something to nag every time I tried to say something.
Believe me, I'd rather spar with my trainer than have to fight with that bastard all the time.
We heard from someone that you put down the big boss's son.
He must not be happy laughed Steve.
That man is so proud that the whole space is filled with his ego I mumbled after a yawn.
He deserves resistance, everyone just does what he says, and the women just want him between the sheets.
His father was just amused I said as I massaged my tense shoulders.
We heard clicks of heels coming our way, and I already saw Anna rolling her eyes.
So you are the new head of finance, and you are that cunt who embarrassed my love.
Hahaha your love I heard Anna laughing.
Your husband is now writing out medicine.
You're just a cheap slut with no morals Anna said with a growl.
People in the coffee corner looked our way, and that bleached doll stood there with a red head, and couldn't say a word.
Just wait, you will pay for rhis she screamed in a high voice as she stormed out of the coffee corner.
Wow that woman has class Lynn said sarcastically.
She reminds me of my old roommate I mumbled as I tried to suppress a yawn.
She has a child, but doesn't even know who the father is laughed Anna, who doesn't hide it if she doesn't like you.
I saw Steve's gaze hardened, and knew that this comment stirs something in him

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