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You've already done a lot, and achieved, but maybe you should seek help from someone who can help you process the past?
You mean a psychologist?
Yes, they are specialised in that, and can help you deal with your past.
You are not weak when you seek help sweetheart, you are actually very strong when you ask for help Grandma told me after a sip of her coffee.
In the end I listened to my grandmother, and I sought help from the psychologist.
After months of intensive help I know one thing for sure a relationship starting had never worked.
I was with my grandmother for a while, to be able to work on myself.
I had then sent a message to my friends and they understood, and supported me.
It's Sunday, and I was getting ready for church.
Since I've been with my grandmother, I went with her on Sundays.
I do believe in God, but I don't believe in the nonsense that the church tell us.
Praying to God is not only necessary in the church, you can pray to God everywhere.
God is greater than that, why should we make him so small?
But my grandmother thinks it's important, the whole city thinks it's important, so out of respect for my grandmother I go.
These are the biggest hypocrisers I thought when I looked around the church.
They live in sin all week, but go to church on Sunday.
Fortunately, my grandma wasn't important enough to sit in the front, so I could safely sit away from Jack and his cunt
Bullying people with no social status is as bad as I used to remember.
They still can't accept me, and the behaviour of their mayor makes it worse.
My grandmother is a bit of a victim, because people normally respect her, but since I've been there and she's taken care of me, they don't talk to her anymore.
You are family sweetheart, and for nothing or no one will I put my family aside, not anymore.
Yes but I'll leave eventually, and you'll be here then.
Maybe it's time to break away from this community she said cautiously.
What do you mean.
If they don't accept my family, they won't accept me either.
And we're just prisoner here with all those strict rules.
Come with me, you can look for your own house from my house.
Or maybe you can live with mom, because she still travelling.
They were supposed to come home first, but decided to go to Asia.
Believe me grandma if you want you have to go
You're as wise as your grandmother, grandma said with a smile.
Two weeks later, we left for New Jersey with the most important items, and were able to leave this godforsaken place behind us.
Jack was fierce when he found out that my grandmother was going with me, and blamed me for disobedience to the residents.
My grandmother mainly thinks he's not happy because she was the only reason that took me there.
The time I spent with my grandmother, and went to a psychologist and a mind fulness coach.
I've started to learn to think differently, and know I'm worth more than I always felt.
I realise that I needed help to move forward, and that I had to leave things behind to move forward.
I leave the old Kait behind this village, and burn everything down.
We had spoken to my parents, and Grandma was allowed to live with them for as long as she wanted, so I took her to the house I bought for my parents.
I had only let Julia know that I am back, and we had met with a coffee corner.
I already saw her sitting at a table, and walked her way.
When she saw me coming, she jumped up, and ran down at me, and with tears in her eyes she hugs me.
I know Julia felt guilty, because it was happened at her home that night, and she felt that as a best friend she did little about it.
Hi Juuls, and I gave her a kiss on her head.
I felt her warm tears in my neck, and it hurt me to see her like this.
When I calmed her down, we went to the table where Julia came from.

My journey to healingKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat