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My parents looked at me questioningly.
Uh he's a bit older than me? I said more questioningly.
How many years older? Asked my father with a certain undertone.
About 11 years and a little I whispered.
What! Called my mother startled.
It just happened, but he's the first man to be sincere with me.
Yes of course, which older man doesn't want a young lady, growled  my father.
Please give him a chance, because I don't plan to run anything good because it's outside the norms of society.
You look a lot like me mother told me with a nod, and put her arm through my father's.
Let's not judge yet my mother reprimanded my father.
His lips formed a thin line, but gave my mother a stiff nod.
I was really nervous to introduce them to each other, but I don't have much choice when they are both at my house.
I know that I have my grandma's back, and that she would appeal to my parents firmly if my parents are unreasonable
We finally arrived at my house, and my parents scanned the environment approvingly.
We came upstairs where my grandma, and Rafael are waiting for us with a bottle of wine, and glasses.
Mom, dad this is Rafael, Rafael these are my parents, and they shook hands with each other.
Although it was a bit stiff in the beginning, my parents came a bit looser after a few hours.
Kait you've done well, said my father who looks around impressed.
Hard work is paying off.
We had ordered sushi, and had a games night.
The days passed, and Christmas came closer.
Today we went to Valkenburg which was completely transformed into Christmas city.
In the caves there was a Christmas market.
We had a great time, and in the few days my father, and Rafael became mates,
I felt a little weird in my stomach, which I couldn't place.
It seemed like slight cramps.
When I smelled different smells of food, my stomach couldn't have that, and I had to run to a narrow alley, to vomit
I felt a bit uncomfortable, but everything better than in the crowd.
What's going on my child? Asked grandma with a certain look that I couldn't place.
I think I ate something wrong, I mumbled.
Mhm, was the only thing grandma mumbled.
She saw a store, and apologized.
We all had something about what is she going to do now? But let her go.
When we got home late in the evening, grandma took me aside, and pushed a box in my hand.
When I looked, and saw what it was, I looked at my grandma startled.
Go give it a try baby girl, just to be sure.
I had to go to the toilet, and caught some urine to test.
I looked at the paper when I had to wait.
A stripe is not pregnant, and two stripes are pregnant I read on the paper, and the moment I read it my eye fell on the test, and saw two clear stripes, and I could not suppress a cry.
My head went to the day he brought my grandmother here that was the first time we had done it without any protection.
That's now seen 3 weeks?
What's up sweetheart? I heard my mother's soft voice.
I haven't told anyone anything yet, but waited for the right time to share it with Rafael first, because it's his child after all.
I decided to go to the doctor first, and he did indeed come with the confirmation that I am pregnant.
Today I walked with Rafael through the Vondelpark, and decided across the street to a bistro.
You are quiet Kait.
Is something going on?
I gave him a package.
I have a present for you I said a bit uncertain.
Thank you Beautiful, but it's not Christmas yet he joked.
I know, but open it I said nervously.

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