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I would prefer to slam the door in front of him, but I know that you are not allowed to do that when the mayor is at the door, and that is seen as inappropriate behaviour.
I reluctantly opened the door wider, and stepped aside so he could go in.
My grandmother is not here I mumbled when we walked into the living room.
I know, I'm here for you, Jack said with a certain look  in his eyes.
Okay and what do you want from me? I asked when I folded my hands together.
You he said simple.
What? I asked shocked.
I want you Kaitlynn Sweet, and he came to me with big steps.
Every step he took towards me I put back until I stood against the wall with my back.
Stay here Kaitlynn, and become my wife he whispered in my ears.
No I said decisively.
I have built a life Somewhere else.
Oh yes what's his name again Stevie boy and I saw his eyes narrow.
That's a friend of mine I said surprised that he started talking about him.
By the way, how do you know about Steve?
Doesn't matter, but he's the reason for leaving right?
No, I have a job where I have to be on Monday, and I have a life of my own there.
With Steve, he repeated so calmly that it gave me even more chills.
What do you want to say I tried to ask as confidently as possible.
He's the reason you don't want me right?
What? No you are the reason I don't want you.
I'm sorry for what I did to you all Kait for what it's worth I mean it from my heart.
I handled things wrong, but I absolutely didn't want you to get attention from someone else.
I was stupid enough to think that my status is more important than love.
I've been crazy about you since kindergarten, but I was always told how bad your family was, and that you wouldn't be good for me as a partner.
I accept your apologies, but you really don't have to expect more from me.
Do you think a simple sorry can make up for all the misery you gave me?
Do you think everything suddenly changes?
Please I'm not wanted here, and don't want to be here anymore.
The only thing that makes me come to this hell hole is my grandmother.
You have changed Kait.
You are no longer that sweet accommoding person who forgives people and gives them a second chance.
You see that wrong Jack I just forgave you, but I can't and won't forget how you treated me, and if you stand up for yourself a negative change is already seen, yes you have a problem, because  I've changed, and if I don't like something I just say so.
With a sigh, he turned around and walked to the front door.
As long as you know that my feelings for you have always been sincere, and that it now hinders me from moving on and finding a woman I love as much as I have loved you.
Trying to play with my feeling? I asked in disbelief.
No Kait I don't try, I only said facts, and he closed the door behind him.
Surprised I looked at the closed door.
I immediately called Julia and told her what had happened.
Are you going to give him a chance?
What do you think Juul?
Oh yeah stupid question Mr Steve is in the game
Why so shocked we see it all.
What exactly do you see I asked in a whisper.
When we talk about him you become shy, or dream away a little, if we tease you with him you immediately defend yourself, when you talk about him your eyes shine in a certain way.
Everyone sees it except you, or you deliberately displace it.
I really don't know what you're talking about Juul.
By the way, do you know who I ran into? I heard Julia ask with disgust.
Tell me.

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