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Steve had the hardest time, because he knew that not only did he lose his girlfriend, but that our friendship would never be the way it used to be.
Steve also left not long after Lynn.
I'll just run away, and I'm sorry it all went like this I said softly.
Julia walked with me to the door, and hugging me.
I'm proud of you Kait, I know how hard this must have been for you.
I realized that this no longer only affected me, but all of us.
I can't let it happen that your love life breaks down because of me.
I hope it goes better between you and Robert I whispered to her neck.
I apologized last time, and walked to my car.
Can I come with you, I suddenly hear behind me.
Oh shit sorry Rory, I forgot for a moment that you came with me.
Sure you can, and she quickly said goodbye to Julia before she ran after me.
You did a great job Kait said Aurora proudly.
Thank you I said with a sigh, and started the car.
I never thought it would all go that way.
I feel like I'm the cause of all the problems.
Stop blaming yourself for things you can't help.
You didn't do anything wrong.
I don't want to hear any more sorry from your mouth, and she looked at me sternly.
I had brought Aurora home, and suddenly got a disgruntled feeling as I got closer to my house, and once in the street the feeling was so bad that the fear just made me nauseous.
The feeling that I suddenly become ingrained me, and I also thought I would see a shadow further down the street.
Come on Kait nothing wrong I tried to reassure myself.
After gathered some courage I got out of the car, and with a sprint I went to the door.
Once I closed the door behind me, I let out a sigh of relief.
The feeling of being watched flared up again, and I quickly closed all the curtains in the house.
I tried to calm myself down, and tell myself that it's all today's tensions, and especially after that attack from Lynn.
I decided to make soothing tea, and prepare a bath for myself with lavender in it.
I took the tea into the bathroom and put it on the wall of the bathtub, and undressed myself, and lowered myself into the hot water.
I closed my eyes, trying to relax with the calm scent of lavender.
Suddenly I heard rustle, and shot right up, and listened to where the sound came from.
It seemed to come from the outside, and I peeped behind the curtain to see if I saw something.
Nothing at all the street was peaceful, and abandoned.
I let myself sink back into the hot water when I suddenly heard sound again, but now it seemed to come from somewere in my house.
I sat petrified in the water until I finally found the guts to get out of the bath.
I put on a bathrobe, and quickly walked into my room where I have a bat ready by default.
When I looked at my bed I saw an envelope with my name on it.
The realization that there was someone in my house is an anxious feeling.
With trembling fingers I try to open the envelope, and after a while it worked.
I felt a knot in my stomach as I read the letter, and my heart seemed to beat out of my chest.
Several times I reread the letter, and felt more and more powerless.

What a cozy house you have, I thought I'd come and visit.
I want to remind you that you don't get rid of me so easily.
Better look over your shoulder, because an accident is in a small corner.
You're all alone again, because I don't think you want to put other people in danger, do you?

See You Soon Kaitlynn.

All night I felt like someone was lurking for me, and sometimes I felt like I was still not alone in the house.
Even before the alarm went off I had already showered, and ready for the day.

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