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I took my car, and was on my way to grandma.
When she saw me standing in front of the door, she took me in her arms, and started crying together.
I'm so glad I got rid of that man said grandma sniffing.
The divorce is arranged, and he is still dead to me, and buried.
Your grandfather was filled with hatred, Grandma said with tears in her eyes, and wanted to do everything to get you out of the way.
In his eyes you are a stain on the family name.
I was afraid you knew about it, because Grandpa was still alive.
I didn't know that motherfucker is still alive otherwise I would have done something to him for what he did to our family.
We sat at the table and talked about all the events.
Do we have to mom that her father is still alive?
Some things better stay the way they are sweetheart.
In addition, I think your father has been dead to her for a long time.
You're right, some things better stay the way they are.
I stayed to sleep with grandma, and the next day I went back home.
I had mentioned in the group app that I was back.
We had all agreed with our favorite Barista.
So you want to tell me that the mayor was behind this whole stalking? Aurora asked in disbelief.
That's right with my dead grandfather, not to mention Lynn.
She is Jack's wife's cousin, but she knows he has feelings for me, and when she found out that I worked for the same company as her niece, she involved her.
Unbelievable this muttered Steve who felt even more guilty than he already did.
It had always been the intention that you would let me down that I am alone again, but they had not counted on my unexpected help, because we always flew in each other's hair.
So all this time you lived with that bastard murmured Steve.
I felt an urge to defend Giovanni.
Yes, but not in his house, and thanks to him I can just cross the street safely again.
I'm glad he helped you, but I still think it's an arrogant bastard Anna said decisively.
We decided to grab a movie with everyone, and then have dinner at a Sushi restaurant.
It was a really fun being together, and I really missed them.
I especially missed Julia.
We said goodbye, and then went home.
When I arrived I saw a defeated Jack sitting there.
Jack? I asked when I got out.
His head shot up, and when he saw mine he came at me with big steps.
He pulled me in his arms, and put his head on my shoulder, and I heard him sobs softly.
I'm so sorry for my father he said when a tear rolled down his cheek.
You can't help it, I told him.
I knew he didn't like you, but I didn't know everything was so deep with that man.
He has always done everything he can to keep me away from you, knowing how I felt about you.
Kait tell me I would have had a chance, if I hadn't made your life hell?
How should I react to this I thought a bit panicked.
I looked into his desperate eyes.
Is it important to know?
For me yes, I heard him say in a crunchy voice.
Maybe I admitted, but that was then.
I have forgiven you, but I will never forget what happened.
I know he muttered.
Thank you for your honesty Kait.
I'll go again, I wish you a good life, and that you can find the right man who can make you happy.
My head immediately flashed to Giovanni.
I wish you also the best Jack.
He got into the car and drive off with squeaky tires.
With a deep sigh I let myself sink into my bed.
Why do I have to experience it all?

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