
167 4 12

Requested by Floractic

Just fluff and fluff and more fluff

//- Third person -\\

For as long as the blonde and brunette had been together; the blonde had always been accident prone. He would always slip on things, trip over his feet or even the air. And on multiple occasions he would bang his arms or knees against furniture.

Obviously the brunette would never be angry at the blonde; finding it funny if the injury was minor and not that serious. The blonde would mainly fall from spills from drinks or food or freshly cleaned floors.

Currently the blonde was washing up the dishes, as his boyfriend sat up stairs in his office editing. The blonde wanted to do the dishes so that his boyfriend George didn't have to worry about it when he was finished- knowing the brunette would be exhausted due to the editing.

The blonde only had a small frying pan left to wash; knowing it was practically clean since it had been sitting in warm soapy water.
It didn't take long for the blonde to clean it, him putting it on the drying rack and pull in the drain- allowing the water to flow down the drain and clear the sink.

The younger of the couple dried his hand and began to wipe down the area around the sink, thinking he was done and not realising that he had spilt water out of the sink and on to the floor.
Sadly and not that surprisingly, the blonde began to walk, took one step before he fell down; trying to grab the counter and failing. This caused a loud bang on the floor, and the blonde winced, hurting his wrist slightly and just sitting there taking the fall in.

Meanwhile, up stairs the brunette had just finished editing and had heard the loud bang. He walked downstairs; not running but not being extremely slow, just wanting to go check that his boyfriend was ok. When the brunette came downstairs he saw his boyfriend sat on the floor, with a massive puddle of water around him.

"Dream? Baby what happened?"

"I fell.. I'm fine I just didn't- it's just funny I guess."

The brunette made a face; since the blonde wasn't actually laughing, just smiling. The older scoffed and walked over to his boyfriend; obviously forgetting about the puddle of water that surrounded him. This resulted in the second slip of the day and two boys on the floor, the blonde on the bottom and his boyfriend the brunette layed on top of him.

The two sat and stared at each other, before erupting in laughter due to the ridiculous situation. The two sat there for five minutes before realising that they should move and change.

(Basically since their clothes were wet and neither really felt like having wet clothes on.)

The two walked upstairs and got dressed, sitting in bed and cuddling.

"How was your edit bubba.."

"Good thank you.. thank you for washing up."

The blonde nodded and nuzzled his face into his boyfriend's shoulder; as the brunette rubbed the blondes back.

//- End -\\

530+ words

Idk how this is so- also I was too lazy to change the POV

Hope you enjoyed!



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