My favourite number

183 5 9

Another one of my own ideas- it's unheard of.

//- George -\\

The suns ray peeked through Dreams blinds, waking me up. I rubbed my eyes, sitting up and looking at Dream.

God he looked so beautiful. The suns rays perfectly matching his skin. His golden brown curly hair, was affected with bed hair. It made me laugh and smile, knowing it was absolutely beautiful; even though Dream doesn't like it- I love it.

His freckles were my favourite feature; over than his dimples. I began counting the freckles that covered his face, having to lay back down so I could see more accurately.











I carried on counting, not thinking about anything other than Dream. I loved him. I loved him so much. I loved his freckles so much. I loved his freckles because they looked like a constellation on his face. I gently grabbed his hand and moved his face to the left, so I could count the freckles that were hidden because of his face resting on the pillow.

As I finished counting, Dream began to wake up. I kept the number of freckles he had in my head as he began speaking.

"G'morning bubs.. how long have you been up..?"



"My new favourite number."

"What- why?"

He spoke whilst chuckling softly. I smiled back, cupping his cheek and pressing a kiss against his nose.

"Because- it's the amount of freckles you have."

//- End -\

260+ words

Bit short and corny but whatever it's fine. I'm blessing you all with the updates



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