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Requested by Floractic


//- Third person-\\

You may be wondering why George was sat on the couch, smiling silently as his boyfriend Dream drew on his hand.

Well- George had broken his knuckle.

Let me tell you what happened;

//- A few hours ago -\\


Dream chuckled as he watched his boyfriend yell repeatedly at the Alexa, just trying to play some music for the two men.

"George it's fine- I can play the music off of my phone."

George huffed and threw his arms up, still yelling.

"No it's fine bub.. it's just- WHATS THE POINT OF THIS IF IT DOESN'T WORK!"

Dream stifled a loud laugh at the fast change in George's voice. He walked over to George from the couch and placed his hand on his shoulder. The brunette turned to his boyfriend and hugged him tightly, trying to calm himself down.

"Sorry baby.. just getting annoyed at that damn Alexa.."

Suddenly the Alexa chimed and spoke;

"Hello, What can I help you with?"

George let go of his lover and turned to face where the Alexa sat. He stared at it for a good minute or two before yelling again.

"What the hell?! HOW DID SHE HEAR THAT?!"

George walked over to the Alexa and began talking again. Not even coherent sentences, just muttered angry phrases. All whilst George was having beef with the Alexa, Dream stood trying not to die of laughter.

George began yelling at the Alexa again, it not answering at all no matter how much he yelled and no matter how close he was.

Eventually George got fed up and punched his hand into the electronic. He then winced in pain as the Alexa shattered underneath George's hand.
Dream stopped laughing abruptly and ran towards George, looking down at his hand. He winced as well, assuming it was indeed as painful as it looked.

"George- we need to go to the hospital."


At the hospital the two sat in the room, George sitting and shuffling awkwardly and Dream explaining the situation in a fashion; making sure that he doesn't embarrass George anymore than he already was.

The doctor said it was completely fine and that George just needed to rest his wrist as much as he could. The doctor very kindly wrapped up George's hand and sent him on his way.


So there you go. That's why George was sitting, embarrassed out of his mind as Dream was still drawing all over the cast.

"Babyyy.. what's wrong?"

"It's just embarrassing. I broke my knuckles because of some Damn Alexa."

"It's fine babe don't worry!"

My face flushed as he kissed my cheek, and then continued to draw on my cast (being extremely sensitive and careful obviously.) I looked down at the cast, seeing small drawings of hearts and smileys.

I smiled myself and pulled Dream towards me, wrapping my arms around his shoulders to be Able to lay my chin on his head.

"Thank you for all your help today my love.."

"Of course bub.. I'll always help you!"

Dream turned his body around and nuzzled his face into my chest. I sat and smiled, being unable to hide my feelings. I looked down at my cast, looking at one extra drawing that had been added.

<3 Dream and George <3

//- End -\\

580+ words

Short for my stories :)

Just finished the first chapter of my new book- not gonna spoil anything but go check it out if you want! :)

Hope you enjoyed!



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