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Request by Capybara_box


Flashbacks are in italics

This is not at all sexual in anyway what so ever. Some people may find some of this weird but I don't think it is as it is just someone regressing into a puppy- please do refrain from commenting any sexual messages on this story.

Plot: Dream going into a puppy headspace. George taking care of him.
George then asks why Dream does regress in this way, being supportive the entire time.

I've never written anything like this so I'm sorry if it's bad 😭

Petre/ pet regression: Pet regression is similar to age regression, although you enter the mindset of a puppy. you may yip, bark, be super playful, or find comfort in things a puppy would do (cuddling, chewing on things, wearing cute collars, etc.). This is not to be confused with DDLG or petplay, as this term is SFW (safe for work) and used by people that may have trauma.

Angst (kinda)

//- George -\\

"Dream love, you need to sleep. Your overworking yourself so much."

I stood behind my beautiful boyfriends gaming chair.
I know he was becoming more and more regressed into a puppy headspace but it was like he refusing to accept himself to slip.

"Noo.. 'm gonna get this video out.. I need to.."

"No you don't love, you can finish it off tomorrow."

"Nooo.. bubs I can't.. 'm-"

I sighed gently, spinning Dreams chair around, making him look up at me.

"Darling.. let's go to sleep."


I picked him up off of his chair, making him cuddle himself into my chest and neck. I could hear Dream softly whimpering. I kissed his head softly, knowing when he slipped he wouldn't speak but instead show his emotions and feelings through actions and sounds; such as whimpering.

The whimpering was usually an indicator that he was tired or stressed, so I carried him out of the shared office and into our room.
I pulled the duvet off of the bed, laying down before pulling it back over the both of us.

I kissed Dreams forehead softly, stroking his golden brown, fluffy hair that did indeed resemble a dogs fur. I grabbed his favourite teddy, giving it to him; having to shake him slightly to wake him up.

"Hi bubs I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you, but here you go."

I handed Dream the teddy. It was a worn out green frog with one missing eye, tattered fabric and a chewed hand. It was chewed due to Dreams regression, he had had the teddy since he was a child; and it was his favourite thing to cuddle with (apart from myself) when he regressed.

He hummed in approval, nuzzling his head into a crook of my neck. I kissed his thick, curly hair once again, rubbing one of my hands through his hair and the other hand on his back. I could hear him letting out muffled low-pitch moans of contentment. I smiled softly at his actions, knowing they were not sensual in anyway what-so-ever.

(Making this extremely obvious this is SFW only! Please be respectful :])

I kissed his head for the like tenth time in the past 10 minutes, letting sleep engulf the both of us.

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