Dreams love language (p2)

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Part 2 of Dreams love language.
Last left off at George yelling at Dream form being too touchy.


Platonic/ brotherly bond Dreamnap

/\ ~ Dream ~ /\

"Oh my god dream! Just give me some space. You don't need to constantly be near me. God your so annoying!"

My breath hitched. I did it again.. I did what I promised I'd never do with anyone ever again. He hates me now. I mumbled a 'sorry' and walked out, making my way over to my room.

God I hated myself for this.

/\ ~ /\

I currently lay in bed, not bothering to get up to do anything. The only thing I had gotten up for is to put Patches' food out, which before doing I made sure George was asleep or something.

I felt horrible. I had done what I'd sworn I wouldn't do with George. I was too touchy, and too clingy and I had pushed him to the brink and made him angry.
I could hear footsteps down the hallway, but didn't bother getting up. I just huffed and turned to face my wall, squeezing my eyes shut to stop tears flowing down my face for the twentieth time today.

Instead of the footsteps going away, they stopped outside my door. Eventually I heard an expected knock, before Sapnap thankfully came in.

"Dude. Are you ok? What happened?"

"I didn't mean to Sap.. I didn't mean to annoy him.."

He sat on the side of my bed, grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

"I'm so so sure you didn't annoy him Dream. Maybe he just didn't want to tell you he wanted some space?"

"I know! That's what I did with everyone else! They all couldn't tell me I was doing too much and then snapped me and broke up with me!"

Sapnap didn't say a word, instead sitting and listening to me talk and cry.

"Have you broken up?"

"I don't know.. I don't want to ask him incase we have but I don't want to leave it and think that we still are together.."

He sighed, pulling me out from under the covers and into a hug.

"Don't worry Dream, everything's going to be ok. I promise you."

My eyes glossed over, tears spilling down my face and onto Sapnaps top. He didn't yell or get angry at me, he just sat and comforted me, which Is what I loved about him.

/\ ~ Sapnap ~ /\

I let go of the hug, looking at Dream sorrowfully.

"I'm going to get some breakfast ok? I'll be right back."

He nodded as I stood up and walked out. George was so dead. He knows how sensitive Dream can get when he gets yelled at. Especially when he's just expressing himself.



He looked up from his phone from where he sat on the couch, a bowl of cereal at the table.

"Why'd you have a go at Dream?"

"Ugh.. listen I didn't mean to! I just needed some space."

"Well then tell him! You don't need to have a go at him, do you?"

He swallowed a lump in his throat, as if he knew he was fucked.

"The hell do you want me to do? Dream doesn't like me right now! I don't think he'd appreciate me knocking on his door."

I crossed my arms and huffed. Is George stupid?! Dream would be so thankful if he knew George didn't mean to yell at him.

"He would appreciate it! Now go please!"

"Alright fine I'm going."

"Thank you."

/\ ~ George ~ /\

I went into the kitchen, placing my plate in the sink before making my way over to Dreams room. I felt bad, I knew he didn't mean to make me annoyed or something. It was just his personality I guess.

I made it to Dreams door and knocked on gently before speaking.

"Dream? Love are you ok..?"

I waited, pressing my ear to the door waiting to hear something.


"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean to snap at you, you didn't deserve that. Just please open the door.."

I heard a thump, and backed up from the door. The door slowly opened, but instead of fully it was slightly agape. It revealed Dreams hand on the door, and him looking at me through the gap.

My heart shattered for him, he looked so tired and malnourished considering the fact that it's only been a couple days, and he'd been in his room the entire time.

"Oh love.. I am so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you.."

"It's fine. It's my fault, I really do promise I will try to be less touchy and clingy."

His voice was scratchy and dry, his eyes had bags under them.

"Love. Please open the door properly so I can come in, or can you come outside?"

He opened the door wider, and moved away from the door. I took this as an opportunity to go inside.
I sat on the end of his bed, stretching my hand out for him to grab.

"Come sit down love."

He grabbed my hand, walked over to me and sat next to me. I grabbed his waist, and pulled him towards me; before placing him on my lap.

"I'm so sorry.. I really really love you. I love how clingy you are. Please don't change anything about you and your personality."

"Are you sure? I know I can be a bit much-"

"Dream. I'm sure. You wanna cuddle? You look so tired."

"Mhm.. 'm really tired."

"I bet you are love.."

We rearranged ourselves, me lying down with Dream lying on top of me. I ran my hand through his brown fluffy hair, kissing him on the forehead.

"I love you so much, I promise I'll never yell at you again."

/\ ~ End ~/\

Done- ah my fingers hurt 😭

Next chapter is a fuck ton of angst but ain't all my fault- Capybara_box requested this so-


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