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Requested by -Magic-Man-


Slight angst cause you know me :) lol I'm evil

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Slight angst cause you know me :)
lol I'm evil


//- Third Person -\\

George and Sapnap knocked on the door of their boyfriends house, having met up in Texas to then drive down to Florida. You see the three had been trying to meet up for years, Dream and Sapnap having met before and George and Sapnap, but never all three at the same time. Dream wasn't aware that George had been accepted for his visa, only telling sapnap so the two could meet up and then go and surprise Dream.

Now; the two stood side by side, suitcases in hands and bags over shoulders, awaiting their beloved boyfriend to answer. George was about to knock on the door again, before the door slowly creaked open.


When Dream spoke, the two weren't all that shocked at the nervousness. Dream didn't know the two were showing up, and they thought that it was normal for Dream to be nervous.

"Hi Dream.. we came to visit you since George finally got his visa!"

"Oh- I mean a- just come in.."

Sapnap nodded and smiled, not noticing the weird or slightly off tone of his boyfriends words. George on the other hand, noticed. But decided to just not bring it up yet. The three walked into Dreams living room, full of family photos, a book stand, a massive couch and TV stand.

Dream stood very awkwardly in the middle of the living room, hoping that either George or sapnap would give an option on what they could do. As he waited, he rubbed the back of his neck and began to fumble with the string of his hoodie. George instantly caught onto this, and nudged Sapnaps elbow to show him.

George was able to catch on instantly, due to the fact that Sapnap had described their boyfriends nervous behaviours to him before, but the Londoner had no clue on how to help. Sapnap on the other hand, knew about and had seen his boyfriend's nervous behaviour and knew how to help.

"So- uh.. could you show us where we're sleeping please? Just so that we can unpack?"

"Oh- right sorry.."

The two nodded and watched as their boyfriend hurriedly walked upstairs, both frowning as they followed him. Dream, however, didn't lead his boyfriends to his own room; instead to a guest room with a double bed. When the three walked in, George was pleasantly surprised at the emptiness of the room, and Sapnap immediately recognised this as the guest room.

"You can sleep in here.. uh the bathroom is just there. I'll let you get unpacked."

Sapnap frowned as Dream walked out, fiddling with his hoodie sleeve. He turned to George, who had placed his shoulder bag on top of his suitcase and was already looking over at his with a confused expression on his face.

"There's no way Dream acted like that when you were here."

"Nope. Maybe something has happened?"

"Yeah but why wouldn't he tell us? He knows that we're here to talk whenever he needs it."

"He's like that, he'll gladly let us talk about our feelings and issues, but never let himself talk to anyone about his."

"Oh.. We could ask him about it later?"

"Maybe yeah.. Let's just get unpacked and then we can figure something out."

George nodded and turned away from Sapnap, beginning to unpack his bags. Sapnap doing the same. It didn't take the two long, since they helped each other out. When the two were finished, they walked downstairs trying to find their boyfriend. They couldn't see him in the living room, but instead the kitchen. He was stirring something in two small pans, having his earbuds in and listening to music.
George slowly made his way up to Dream, only tapping him on the shoulder lightly. This action made Dream jump up in fear.

"Dream? Are you?"

"Oh- yeah sorry.. I made you food?"

He seemed as though he was confused and weary, as if George and Sapnap wouldn't want the food that he had made.

"Oh- thank you Dream. What are you going to eat?"

"I- ate before you got here.."

Dream smiled meekly, moving out of the way so that George and Sapnap could get their food. He stood awkwardly behind them, before softly sighing and walking into the living room/ lounge. When the two tried to ask Dream what was going on, he began to stumble over his words and began to push his two boyfriends away, walking up to his room in silence.

"Well that didn't really work did it?"

"I can tell thanks. We'll have to figure something out soon."

//- End -\\

822 words

Sorry this was short and kinda rushed, i had no clue how to end it and yh.

Happy new year!

i Hope you enjoyed!



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