Flower crowns

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Plot: Dream and George were newly dating and made flower crowns at a field; a year later George takes Dream back there after a week away from each other.

Italics are flashbacks

//- George -\\

I felt the place jolt down to the ground, the seatbelt sign coming off. 

"Welcome to Orlando, Florida USA. Thank you so much for flying with us, we hope to see you again soon."

The flight attendant had spoken into the intercom,  before allowing us all to begin exiting the plane.

I thanked the flight attendants before deboarding. I had recently been to England to visit my mother for her birthday; but Dream had stayed behind, with our cats Patches and Buttons. (Dream had named them both.)

We had been separated for a week; and to sort of make up for it- I was going to take Dream to some place we went when we first got to together last year.

//- Back at Dream and Georges house -\\

I unlocked the door, opening it and walking in with my suitcase. I placed my suitcase at the door so I could lock it. I was waiting for Dream to realise I was home; soon enough- I heard footsteps running down the stairs and I was attacked with a hug from behind.

"GEORGE! Your back!"

I chuckled loudly; turning around and hugging him back. I kissed his cheek gently over and over again.

"Hi my love. I missed you so much baby. I'm so sorry I had to go."

"No George! It's fine! It was your moms birthday so obviously you had to go!"

I smiled softly, knowing Dream was so selfless. I kissed him softly on the lips; pulling him into a tight hug.

"My love, how about we go out for a date tomorrow?"

"Mhm? Yeah sure of course!"

I smiled softly and picked Dream up, feeling his legs wrap around my waist and his arms wrap around my neck. I held him up with one hand and grabbed my suitcase with the other.

I carried him up to our room, where I placed Dream onto the bed. I chucked my suitcase into a corner, knowing I'd unpack tomorrow morning. I pulled the duvet over us both, hugging Dream close to my chest.

I kissed his head softly, rubbing his back gently; as if massaging him. He hummed in appreciation and nuzzled his head into my neck.

//- The next morning -\\

I kissed Dreams head softly, then his forehead, nose, cheek and lips over and over again; trying to wake him up. It took a while for him to wake up but he woke up none the less.

"Good morning bubs.. how are you feeling?"

"Mornin' bub.. 'm a bit tired."

I smiled softly rubbing his back slowly. I kissed his forehead, pulling his body closer to mine.

"Thats ok my love.. go back to sleep yeah?"

He hummed in agreement and wrapped his arms around me once again; as he had done the night before.
I continued to run his back and kiss his head; trying to get him to sleep again.
The date could definitely wait; besides I was still a tiny bit jet lagged anyway.

"Bub? Didn't you say we were going on a date today..?"

"Mhm I did. But it's fine we can wait a little longer. It's only 8 o clock. You just focus on getting more sleep and I'll wake you up when we need to ok?"

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