The Nest

253 6 40

Requested by the lovely Celestial135

//- Dream -\\

"Bub I'm going out with Drista. I'll be back later."

I spoke as I ran down the stairs, keys in hand getting ready to leave. George was downstairs, sitting on the couch. He got up and grabbed my wrist before I could leave.

"Ok love, but be careful ok?"

"I will be. Don't worry."

He smiled and kissed my cheek gently, before letting go of my wrist and allowing me to walk out of the house.

You see, I'm an omega. You don't really get a lot of male omegas, the species being female dominated. An omega is the most submissive out of all the species (alphas, betas and omegas) and it's pretty hard beginning on of the only males in the species.
My boyfriend George was an alpha; the most dominant.

I was going out with my sister Drista, who was a beta. We were going to a local mall just to wander around. She wanted to visit a store she frequently bought from, and our mom wanted somethings as well.

//- George -\\

I sighed, watching as Dream walked out of the house and locking the door behind him. I always got nervous whenever Dream went out by himself, mainly because he was a male omega and there weren't a lot of those. Dream would also be harassed whenever we went out, people wanting to see him and use him.

I'm sure he'd be fine, right?

I walked upstairs, to a find a locked door..? I tried to jimmy the door open, instead walking downstairs to find the keys to all the rooms in the house. I went back up stairs, trying every key on the door. Eventually I got it open, walking inside and looking around the room.

It was a dark, small room with nothing in the room at all. I looked at the other side of the room and saw a bundle of clothes and blankets, laying on a single bed. I looked closely and saw and smelt that it was my things; my clothes and blankets I frequently used.

I could smell my own scent on the clothes, and I sat down next to it. Dream had built a nest. A nest is usually a place where an Omega can be comfortable, whether if they are in heat or just having a bad day. It can be a closet or a couch, a small room or a bed. It will usually be filled with soft things, the most smelling like their mate if they have one.

I was Dreams mate, but the scent was never there when I wasn't around him. I guess he had done this to make himself more comfortable, or have my scent on him? I don't know I'll have to ask him about it when he gets back.

I decided to pull my hoodie off of my body, and place it in the nest for him. When I next see him in this room I'll come and sit with him. I smiled, feeling thankful that he had a nest of my things. 

I walked out, locking the door again, gstabbing another hoodie and walking downstairs. I sat on the couch in the living room, putting on some random channel. I awaited Dreams return.

//- Dream ~ Before leaving the mall -\\

"Right are you finished?"

"Yes. Now cmon let's go. Mom wants me back soon."

I pulled a face in confusion.

"But she knows your with me?"

"Yeah well- still got curfew."

I hummed, grabbing the bags I had bought for myself. My sister grabbed her bags and began walking out with me. Before we reached the door of the mall, my wrist was grabbed and caused me to be pulled over to someone. The scent made my stomach turn in disgust. I tried to shove him off of me but my wrists were held in place.

"Cmon baby~ I know you wanna be with me."

"What no! Ew get off of me you creep!"

He scoffed, pulling me closer to him. I looked back at my sister, who didn't know what to do, who was instead staring in fear.

"Get off of me you fucking creep!"

I still couldn't move my hands, so I lifted my knee up and kicked him in his crotch. He winced in pain and back up. I took the chance to pull my hands back and grab the bags, encouraging my sister to run to my car.

When we reached the car, we quickly placed everything in the back seats and started to drive off.

"I'm sorry Drista..  you shouldn't have had to see that."

"It's fine.. I'm sorry I didn't do anything."

I looked over at her slightly, sighing.

"I'd rather you just stand there. Just incase something happened to you."

She nodded, looking outside her car window. I began driving her to the house, dropping her off and talking to my mum briefly, before heading back home.

//- When Dream got back -\\

I parked the car in the driveway, turning it off and getting out. As I reached the door I grabbed my house key, unlocking the door and walking in. I saw George sitting on the couch watching something random.

"Bub I'm back!"

"Oh hi baby! Are you ok? Did anything happen?"

"I'm ok bubs, but yeah something did happen. Some alpha tried to get with me before I left the store."

"Oh my god- baby! Are you ok? Your not hurt are you?"

"No I'm not hurt- I managed to get him off of me before anything happened."

"I'm glad baby.. come lay with me."

I nodded, first going and placing the bags in the kitchen. I sat next to George, looking at his hoodie. He scoffed and pulled the hoodie off of his body.
I laughed as I slipped it over me.

'Another hoodie for my nest..'

I thought as George pulled me into a hug, stroking my hair putting me into a deep sleep.

//- In the morning -\\

I stirred in my sleep, still smelling George's scent around me. But it was stronger somehow? I opened my eyes and looked around, seeing I was in the room where my nest was- how did I get here? I don't remember telling George that I had one. Unless I had forgotten to lock the door.

I turned red in embarrassment, trying to lift myself up, but instead being pulled back down. I looked at my waist; seeing George's arms wrapped around me.

"Stay baby..."

"What George- how'd you find out about my nest.."

"I found it when you were out yesterday. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was embarrassed.."

He kissed the back of  my head and smiled softly.

"Don't be."

We sat there for a while, just wanting to chill out today.

"I love you baby.."

//- End -\\

1160+ words

There's so many requests I have rn so I'm speedrunning them but also not-?


Hope you enjoyed-

(Will just take ages to write- probably)


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