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Dream saying ily for the first time bc I feel like everyone obsesses over George saying it for the first time

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Dream saying ily for the first time bc I feel like everyone obsesses over George saying it for the first time

//- Dream -\\

I've never liked falling in love. As a child I never really understood it, but that was probably because no one really liked me as a child. Or a teenager. And then when I was like 21, I had a girlfriend. Who I proposed to, because she forced me to. She wasn't the.. best person ever. So when I broke up with her, I was worried about falling in love again. I thought that it would affect a friendship I had with someone, or it would be like it was with my ex girlfriend. Or ex fiancé I guess.
So I shut off love. I hid from it. I buried feelings like that for anyone but relatives down, but there was always one person I couldn't hide my feelings for.


My best friend.

Everyone though we were already dating. Or everyone thought that I liked him. Which I did. And do. But I never admitted that. I swore to myself that I would never admit my romantic feelings towards someone unless someone did to me, especially since my ex girlfriend. And besides, even if I did admit my feelings, there's no way George would ever like me back. It's so clear he doesn't.

But then, everything changed. George moved to Florida. And then he asked me out. And I was just so shocked.. I did like him, but I was worried that the relationship would ruin our friendship if it didn't work out. So George suggested that we just go out for a while. Just to see what it was like for us, and to prove if it would affect our friendship negatively.

So far, one month in, it hasn't. It's actually been really nice, and sweet. George hasn't forced anything onto me, and nothing significant enough to affect anything has happened. We haven't told anyone yet either. Not the fans, or our families, or even Sapnap. Just in case. But I'm considering telling George that I was ready for a relationship. Like an official relationship.. but I'm not entirely sure yet.
So here I lay, trying to find out how to tell George that I was ready for an actual relationship. But negative thoughts clouded my mind.

What if he thought it was too early?
What if he had changed his mind?
What if he wasn't ready?
What if he didn't trust or believe me?
What if I messed up the entire relationship?

"Dream? Can  I come in please?" - George spoke, knocking on the door gently.

"Y-Yeah! Doors unlocked!" - I responded, sitting up slightly.

George walked in, smiling at me and then shutting the door behind him. We made eye contact as he walked over to my bed and looked at the space beside me, and then back up into my eyes. I instantly caught on to what he wanted, and nodded. I moved to the side a little, so that he had more room. When he lay down next to me, he turned to lie on the side of his body so that he could face me. I did the same, and we lay like that for a while; just looking at each other and taking in each other's features. Well- I was admiring his features.. I hoped he was doing the same for me. Anyway, we lay like that together for a while, before he pulled me towards his body so that we were cuddling.
We did that quite a lot. Just lay or sat somewhere and cuddled. Either just on our own, or sometimes the cats would come and sit with us.

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