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Requested by Floractic


//- George -\\

"Ok so- what we doing again?"

I huffed as we (me, sapnap and Dream) walked into a massive building; cameras in hand. 

"Just some gymnastics stuff. Cause it's fun."

I nodded with a slight moment of hesitation. I watched as Dream casually walked to a spot in front of the woman who was going to instruct us.

"Ok well just start with a forward roll, since it's pretty easy."

The lady showed us how to do it and watched as we all tried. And by we I meant me and Sapnap attempted and Dream did it successfully first try.

"Good job Dream."

Me and Sapnap stared in shock as Dream smiled meekly, going a pink tint.

"How'd you do that so perfectly?!"

Dream just shrugged and hummed, waiting for the both of us to finally complete the FIRST move.

The entire time Dream completed every single move basically first try and laughing as he walked over to help me. I knew I had to ask him how and why he was so of at gymnastics since I'd never heard of Dream doing gymnastics before.

As we finally exited the building, me and Sapnap were sore as fuck and Dream was perfectly fine.

"Let me guess, you want me to drive back?"

I nodded slowly as I handed Dream the keys, going to sit at the back of the car so me and Sapnap had more room to sit and relax. Dream chuckled and began to drive back to the house, obviously worried about how long we'd be sore for.

//- Third person~When they got back -\\

Dream pulled into the driveway and turned off the car, walking out and coming to help the brunette and raven haired into the house.
He walked upstairs with his boyfriends, placing them both on the bed.

"Dream.. how did you do all those moves so easily and not be sore..?"

He smiled at rubbed Georges arm softly.

"I used to do gymnastics, so I'm really good at it. I was on TV once because I had won the most competitive tournaments in my age range ."

The brunette looked at Dream in shock, sapnap  long gone since he was asleep next to George. Dream turned the brunette around and kissed the back of his head, pressing his fingers against George's back, neck and shoulders giving the brunette such pleasure that caused him to let out a soft moan.

"That feel good baby?"

"Mhm.. thank you Dream.."

The brunette smiled into the bed sheets and the dirty blonde carried on massaging George's back. The raven haired had woken up, being tired enough but extremely sore to not go to sleep.

"Georgie..? Oh he's asleep.."

Dream chuckled quietly and looked over at sapnap who was giving him puppy eyes. The dirty blonde sighed and moved George's body closer to the pillows, bringing sapnap more towards him.

"Lay on your stomach baby. I'm gonna give you a massage is that ok?"

The raven haired nodded and layed on his stomach so that Dream could massage his back. When the youngest boy was ready, the tallest out of them all began to massage the youngest back.

"Oh~ fucking hell Dream.."

"Jesus Christ sapnap.. you're making it sound weird!"

The taller male softly spoke and chuckled, stopping after about ten minutes so they could all sleep. As the raven haired and the dirty blonde lay in bed, the brunette pulled Dream up to him; causing the dirty blonde to cuddle into the oldest's neck.

//- End -\\

620+ words 

Idk if that's what you had in mind but I hope that was ok! I'm not good at gymnastics cause I don't do it or watch it etc.

Hope you enjoyed!



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