Age regression

339 9 21

My own chapter idea?? Maybe idk- shocker!!

Caregiver George
Little Dream

Age regression: occurs when you mentally retreat to an earlier age. In all ways, you believe you're back at that point in your life, and you may exhibit childish behaviors, too. Some people choose to revert to a younger age. In this case, it can be a coping mechanism to help them relax and eliminate stress

Caregiver: someone who looks after a little while they're in little space.

//- George -\\

I got back home, from going to the store. My boyfriend Dream had recently told me that he age regresses, which I have no issues with- obviously. I asked if I could do anything to help and Dream asked me to get him some things.I had gone to the store and got what he'd asked me to get for him.

"Dream! Baby I'm home."

I walked upstairs, into our room to find Dream. Laying in bed with his headphones on, watching something on his laptop. I smiled, walking up to him and tapping his shoulder softly.

He looked up at me and smiled brightly, taking off his headphones and placing his laptop and headphones to the side.


"Hi my darling.. are you ok?"


I smiled at him softly, kissing his forehead and getting into bed. Dream watched as I got in bed and then hugged me tightly from the side.

"Are you regressing baby?"

He nodded slowly, eyeing the bag that lay next to the bedside table. I looked at the bag, and then back at Dream.

"You wanna see the bag? It's full of stuff for you."

He nodded quickly, eyes widening in excitement. I grabbed the bag and placed it on the bed. I began rummaging through the bag and pulled out one of the first things I had bought.

I pulled out a teddy; a pink frog teddy with velvety fabric. He gasped audibly, grabbing it off of me and squealing in excitement. I giggled softly, rubbing his arm.

"What else? What else!"

I laughed at Dreams excitement, and I pulled out a cute onesie that would fit him. It was a dinosaur onesie, with a hood like a dinosaur head. He gasped again, having a loud smile on his face that made my heart melt.

"Wanna put it onnn!"

"Just wait one minute baby, there's some more stuff in here for you." 

He smiled broadly, moving around to show his excitement. He began sucking his thumb. I smiled and pulled out a sippy cup.

"Here you go baby."

"Oh! It's green!"

"I know baby. That's your favourite colour right?"

Dream nodded, hugging my tightly. I pulled out one last thing; a colouring book and crayons.
He giggled, grabbing the book and crayons, opening them fast.

"Woah- baby slow down. Let's go get you changed and let's get you a drink."

"Put my drink in m' sippy cup!"

I looked at him, making a face which made him realise something.


I nodded, grabbing his cup off of him and letting him get changed. I walked downstairs, filling the cup up with warm milk; knowing it was his favourite.
I walked back upstairs, and entered our room. In our room I saw Dream struggling to get the onesie on. He looked as if he's about to cry.

"Oh bub. You want some help?"

"Can't do it! Mhm..!"

He stomped his foot onto the ground and looked down at the floor with his hands in a ball.
I sighed, walking over and placing his cup on the bed. He shuffled towards me, allowing me to help. He was struggling to get his arms through the arm holes and he stood there; watching as I fixed it.

"Woahie! Fank yo'! Can have m' sippy..? P'ease."

I nodded, grabbing his hand and guiding him to the bed. I handed him his cup and placed his headphones back on his head. I unlocked his laptop and turned on 'Bluely' his favourite show.

As he was watching I pulled his hood up to make the onesie complete. He giggled at me and nuzzled his head to my chest, still sipping from his cup.

"Good night bub."

"G'night Georgie!"

//- End -\\

710+ words

This was really fun to write so-

Hope you enjoyed!



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