Snow day

165 7 19

Requested by Floractic again :)

Set in the uk

//- Dream -\\

"Baby we won't be able to do anything tomorrow."

"What why?"

I turned to George, looking up from the noddles and chicken I was making. George stood in the doorway, looking at his phone.

"Because we're going to be snowed in. Tomorrow we won't be able to go out but we can the day after."

I hummed, starting to plate the noodles and chicken for me and George. I picked up the plates, walking into the living room and beginning to eat. George walked over as well, picking up the plate and eating.

I placed my head onto his shoulder, becoming colder as the snow outside began to fall faster.

"You cold baby?"

"Mhmm.. a little. I'll be fine though."

"Cmon let's go sit upstairs. It's warmer up there."

I nodded as I placed both the plates in the kitchen sink and walked upstairs, flopping onto the bed.

//- George ~ In the morning -\\

I woke up, not from an alarm or anything it just naturally. I looked down at Dream and I gently shook him to wake him up.

"Baby wake up. We can have a snow day today."

He hummed, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
I sat up next to him, before leaving the bed and going into our wardrobes. I grabbed us both some warm, comfy clothes so we didn't become ill.

"Go get dressed babe.. I'll wait for you downstairs."

He nodded, taking the clothes I had gotten out for him, heading to the bathroom most likely.

I had picked us both out sweat pants and hoodies. I got dressed and waited downstairs for Dream. Eventually he came down, dragging me outside and waiting for me to lock the door.

"Come on! Hurry up."

"Ok ok I'm hurrying bub."

I locked the door and let Dream grab my hand and drag me to a massive hill near the house. He looked at me, with a bright smile on his face.

"You wanna go down the hill?"

Dream nodded, dragging me up the hill. We laughed as we rolled down the hill, snow covering our hair and clothes. We had no sled or anything, so we just rolled down with nothing.

An idea popped into my head, and I made a snowball in my hand before throwing it at Dreams back.

He turned in shock, watching me laugh at the reaction I had received. He grabbed some snow, running towards me and shoving the snow into my hair.


"That's what you get!"

We both laughed again, calling a truce about ten minutes after we had been throwing the snowballs at each other.
After the snowball fight I suggested that we build a snowman. Dream lit up at the idea, trying to find the best spot to build it.

We began building the snowballs to make our snowman. We decided to make it two layers, because Dream wanted to. Dream ran around trying to find some stones and sticks so put into the snowman to make his arms, mouth  and eyes.

"That looks great baby."

"Thanks- but we both built it."

"Yeah but this is your first snowman isn't it?"

"Yep. His names.. Kai."

"Why Kai?"

"Dunno. 'm tired."

I laughed softly, hugging him gently.
After we built it we decided to go back in, both becoming cold (mainly Dream) and tired.

When we got back, we decided to run a bath and make hot chocolate and cuddled in bed.

"Today was amazing bub.. thank you."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I love you."

"I love you too."

I kissed his forehead, and nuzzling into his hair.

//- End -\\

620+ words

Two updates like really close together?? Slay.

Hope you enjoyed.



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