For the first time

366 7 42

Requested by Floractic

I couldn't think of a title so-

Gonna just pretend Dreams birthday is in Nov 😭 cause I wanna make it cold! Cause I'm cold

//- George -\\

"Hey baby?"

I walked into my boyfriends room, where he was sitting on his bed with Patches (his two year old cat.)

"Hi George! What's up?"

"Would you like to go to the uk for your birthday? We could go to some of the places I used to love going to as a child so we could share them?"

"Yeah of course George! I'll pay for the tickets-"

"Too late. I have them pre-ordered."

He groaned, giving me a look; as if to say 'why would you-?'

I laughed, walking over and sitting down next to him. I kissed his temple and pulled him to rest on my chest / shoulder.
He hummed, still stroking Patches. I began running my hand through his hair.

"Should we pack? And figure out where Patches is going to go?"

"She can go to your mums can't she?"

"Yeah I'll text her and ask."

//- At the airport (a week later) -\\

"Baby are you going to be ok?"

"I'll be fine, I'll probably fall asleep half way through." 

I smiled at him, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the gate. When we arrived at the gate, we gave the worker our tickets and walked onto the plane. We had got in close to last since Dream wouldn't be able to sit there waiting; knowing it takes forever.

When the doors finally closed the pilot began explaining all the safety precautions incase of a crash. I could see Dreams face go pale, and his hands grabbed onto my own and the arm rest on the seats. He looked at him in support, squeezing his hand.

"Baby you'll be ok. I promise you."

He smiled at me and closed his eyes as the plane began moving. Eventually we came to the runway and began to literally take off.
I could feel Dreams grip on my hand tighten and I could see his knuckles and face whiten in fear. I squeezed his hand and pulling it upC kissing it softly. I whispered to him softly, as he placed his head on my shoulder, his eyes shut tight with fear.
I kissed his head again, waiting with him for the plane to steady.

The plane eventually steady, giving Dreams nerves a break. I felt bad for him, but knew that if he didn't fly over we wouldn't be able to even go to UK. I knew he also appreciated my support and me even offering AND buying the tickets.

I kissed his hand again, letting him know we were steady now.

"Thank you for comforting me bub."

"Yeah of course baby."

//- At the hotel -\\

Me and Dream were meant to be here for a week, the last full day being here is Dreams birthday. I had planned us different things to do whilst Dream was asleep. I had set up some of my favourite childhood places o had gone with my family, such as;

- Blackpool
- Alton Towers
- Science and Industry Museum

And many others. I had made the ideas when we were on the plane and Dream was asleep. For now we were just going to sleep in the hotel- both of us being jet lagged.

"Thank you for this bub.. 'm really excited."

"I'm glad your excited my love. How cmon let's get some sleep so we're good for tomorrow."

He nodded and hummed in agreement and flopped onto the bed. A light chuckled escaped my mouth as I walked over, sitting down next to him and pulling him upright.
I lay him In my lap and scooted back, nearing to the mountain of pillows and the headboard. I pulled the duvet cover and chucked it near to the foot of the bed, before pulling it back when me and Dream were comfortable.

"I love you so much baby."

"Love you too.."

The speech was slightly muffled as Dream had began cuddling himself in to my chest. I smiled softly, kissing his golden brown locks and cuddling him back.

"Sleep well my love."

//- End of the week -\\

I dragged Dream out of the taxi, after paying and thanking the taxi driver.

"Georgeeee! Where are we goinggg?" 

"Somewhere. Now come on!"

He whined and I carried on dragging him around into a massive field. The sun began to set as I finally stopped and loosened my grip on Dreams wrist. I looked out at the pink-ish orange and blue sky, before looking back at Dream and his emerald eyes.

(George's colourblindness: 🫥✌️ 'ima head out')

"D-do you like it..?"

I could see Dream look at the field, back at the sky, then at me. I swallowed thickly as I waited for response.

"It's- it's beautiful George.. thank you for bringing me here.."

"Of course, sit down I want to give you your gifts."

His eyes widened in shock as I pulled him down to the dewy green grass. I pulled out some wrapped up gifts from my pockets.

"What- George! But- you already bought the tickets here! That was enough."

"No it wasn't. You deserve so much Dream. And I'm going to give it to you."

I handed the gifts over to Dream and watched as he opened them one by one.

I had gotten him:

• A notebook filled with things I had written about him and why I love him.
• An Oklahoma Sooners jacket.
• Magnetic heart bracelets
• A photo keychain from when we first got together.

He pulled me in to a hug and held my tightly.

"I love it George.. thank you so much."

"I'm glad you like it baby. But I have one more gift."

He looked at me in confusion and let go of the hug, allowing me to reach into my pocket and pull my phone out.
I went on to YouTube, and pulled up a song that Dream had said he loved.
I could hear him audibly gasp as I stood up and held my hand out for him to grab. He grabbed my hand and allowed me to pull him up.

"Dance with me baby.."


We began to sway to the music, me leading mainly. I spun us both around, allowing Dream to wrap his arms around my waist and lift me up.

We were both laughing the entire time, just enjoying being with each other.
Dream placed me back down to the ground and lay his head on my shoulder and we began slowly swaying to the music.

"Thank you George.."

"No problem my love...

Happy birthday.."

//- End -\\

1130+ words

Sorry if this is not what you had in mind-

Also I'm sorry I've never written about dancing so-



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