
155 5 4

Requested by Floractic

Three chapters away from the 100th chapter!!

//- George -\\

Ever since I moved into Dreams house with him, I had realised that he does not like being woken up.

Obviously I still woke him up anyway, whether that was with; alarms, kissing him, storming into his room, slamming doors or just being purposely loud.

It annoyed the living hell out of him, and he'd always stay mad at me for at least like ten minutes before asking me to come and lay with him.

Currently it was winter and Dream enjoyed sleeping in a lot more than usual since the warmth of the blankets and bed were very comforting to him.

I felt bad for him but I had to do it, just so he could be extra clingy before we properly woke up. I walked over to Dreams room and opened the door, way to aggressively so it slammed against the wall and moved back to me.
I made a face and knocked on the door, definitely making sure it was quieter.

I could hear Dream hum into his pillow, groaning as he looked up at me. Making a groaning noise at me as I walked over to his bed.

"Good morning my love."

"Go away.. 'm tired."

I chuckled as Dream shoved his face back into his pillow, but not stopping me from getting into his bed and pulling him towards me.

"You don't want me to go away do you? You love me too much."

"You woke me up.. you scared me.."

"I'm sorry honey, it's just really funny and adorable to see your reaction."

Dream groaned again, nuzzling his face into my chest and wrapping his arms around my neck.
I laughed and wrapped my arms around his hips, rubbing them softly as I kissed the top of Dreams head repeatedly.

"You go back to sleep bubba.. I'll be right here when you wake up."

"Mhm.. I forgive you for waking me up.."

"I'm glad lovely. Now go back to sleep."

//- End -\\

360+ words

Sorry it's rly short I felt like it'd be a short and fluffy chapter :)

I hope you enjoyed!

QnA questions ——>



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