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Another amazing request by Floractic

Btw- this is the official 50th chapter if you don't count the A/Ns I have done :)) Ty for all your support but more on that later-

Kinda different- Dream has wings, horns and a tail and hides it from George. Then George finds out.

//- Dream -\\

"Dream! I'm home!"

I jumped up, quickly retracing my wings, tail and horns. See I had been born with some kind of magical ability and with that came black and green horns, tail and wings. I have yet to tell George, as I was scared of what he could say. Basically I was nervous of him leaving me.

"Dream? Love are you ok?"

He knocked on the closed bathroom door, and I quickly put the things I was using away.

"One second George!"

I flushed the toilet, and washed my hands pretending to have just used the toilet. I opened the door and walked out, smiling at George who stood in the corridor.

"Hi George.. how was your day?"

"It was good thank you.. how was yours?"

I hummed, walking into George's arms as he rubbed my back. I almost let out a low groan of contentment because he was rubbing where I had retracted my wings, but held it in.

"You wanna go cuddle babe?"


He smiled, kissing the top of my head and holding my hands.
He dragged me into the bedroom, laying on the bed. He continued to rub where my wings would retract and I tried my best to not let out low groans and I did.

"Babe are you ok? You usually love when I rub your back. Do you want me to stop?"

I froze. Not wanting him to stop but just not wanting George to figure out my secret. My heart began beating faster, a reaction I got to stress.

"Dream? Baby what's wrong?"

"I- I just- I need to go to the bathroom, I feel a little sick.."

I quickly got up out of bed and ran into the bathroom. I allowed my magic like feature to show again, as I tried to steady my breathing and heart rate.

God I hated lying to George but I don't know what he'd think.

What if he thought I was a freak?

What if he left me?

What if he hurt me for my abilities?

What if he was embarrassed of me?

What if-

My thoughts were interrupted by George knocking on the door. I froze, not knowing what to do.

"Dream. Baby I'm coming in."

I panicked, still frozen. I couldn't do anything as George opened the door, staring at me in shock. I couldn't say anything as I sat there in shock and fear.

'Oh god.. please don't hate me.. please..'

As I sat there I didn't realise that I had tears running down my cheek. George ran and crouched down at my side, he rubbed cheek and wiped away my tears.

"Baby, what's wrong..?"

"I'm hideous.."

"You probably want to leave me..

Please don't leave me..

Please don't hate me- or hurt me.."

I spoke in between sobs.

"What- baby, why would I hurt you? Or hate you? Your not hideous-"

He pulled me into a deep, loving hug and rubbed my back again.

"Baby.. what's going on? Why have you got- a tail? And ears? And- wings..?"

I sighed, catching my breath from crying.
George rubbed my cheek and waited patiently.

"When I was born.. the doctor said I was born with- abilities.. i guess.? When I was five- the wings and stuff started coming in. It was extremely painful and when I was ten I started being able to control- magical abilities that came with the wings and stuff."

I looked up at George, who was nodding and smiling at me. He pulled me into another tight embrace and whispered softly into my ear.

"I love you bub.. I would never hurt you."

I smiled as well, allowing George to pick me up and carry me back to bed. When we were back in bed he began to rub my back and kiss my head. I let out low moans and groans of approval as he was rubbing and kissing the areas around my wings and horns. They were extremely sensitive, and I was so appreciative of George being gentle.

"I love you so much, so so much my little dragon."

"Mhmm.. I like that nickname.."


I hummed again, nodding into George's neck. I retracted my horns as to not hurt George at all.

"Well, maybe I'll start calling you that more."

I smiled into his neck and nuzzled closer to him.

"Good night my dragon."

//- End -\\

830+ words

This is the official 50th chapter of this book- excluding the A/Ns I have done! Thank you so much to everyone who reads, votes and comments on my work and thank you for 4K reads!
I appreciate every single one of you!

I hope you enjoyed!



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