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Another chapter requested by the amazing Capybara_box

Dream: Phobia of Phobias (Phobophobia is a fear of being afraid. You might be scared of the physical symptoms that come with fear, or feel worried that you could develop a phobia. Many people with phobophobia already have other phobias or mental health disorders. If you think you may have a specific phobia, talk to your healthcare provider.)

George: Phobia of Heights (What is acrophobia? Acrophobia is a mental health condition in which the individual experiences an intense fear of heights. It's a type of anxiety disorder. A person with acrophobia experiences intense fear and anxiety when they think of tall heights or are positioned at a significant height.)

/\ ~ George ~ /\

"Oi! Love birds! Let's go to the amusement park for a stream."

"What- why?"

"Cause I wanna do an irl stream. Karl and Quackity will meet us there."

"Ok..? Fine. George is that ok?"

"Oh- yeah I- I guess."

I smiled fakily

(Is that a real word..)

At Dream, not wanting to tell him I am terrified of heights- knowing he has a fear of fears. I didn't want to make him scared of me, so I'd just have to deal with it.

/\ ~ Day of the stream ~ /\

"My love it's time to wake up."

I was not excited for today, knowing I'd be dragged on a bunch of rollercoasters. Instead, I'd try to drag Dream to different games to distract him. 

"Mhm.. George five more minutes."

"You said that ten minutes ago."

"Ugh- fine.."

He groaned, sitting up and facing me. He rested his forehead on mine and gently smiled.

"What rollercoasters would you wanna go onto? We can have a look online at the website."

"Oh- uh.. I'm actually going to go to get some food, you can look though."

I swiftly walked out of the room, not allowing Dream to finish. I ran down the stairs, almost tripping over my own feet as I reached Sapnap; who was standing in the middle of the kitchen, looked at me in confusion.

"You ok George?"

"Sapnap, I can't go to the amusement park today."

"What- why?"

"I'm afraid of heights- and rollercoasters; makes sense really-  but I can't tell Dream because he has a fear of fear I guess? I don't know.."

"Uh- Dreams right there.."

My mouth opened and my eyes widened in shock as I turned around to see Dream standing behind me.

I gulped, reaching my hand out to Dream, not expecting him to back away from me. My heart ached as he did that.

"Dream.. please I'm sorry-"

"I should finish getting ready.."

"Dream- please!"

I watched as Dream ran upstairs, looking back at Sapnap with sorrow in my eyes. He walked over and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"He'll come around George. He realised I had a fear of spiders and he didn't talk to me a couple of hours."

"But the stream.."

"Don't worry- you just focus on sorting Dream out."

"Ok thanks sap."

//- At the Amusement Park -\\

As I exited the car, my heart was still aching. One; because Dream had asked sapnap to sit shotgun instead of me, as I usually sit next to Dream when he drives. And two; because we had finally arrived at the amusement park, so that means the rides will be coming soon.

"Karl, Quackity!"

Sapnap ran from beside me to Karl and Quackity, engulfing them in a hug. Dream just stood next to them, waiting to say hi and give them a hug.
I stood back, not wanting to get into Dreams space, knowing he'd still be upset.

"Hey Dream! How are you man?"

"I'm good thank you, what about you?"

"Fine thanks. You gonna come on the rides with me? Those two have no balls."

"Oi! I said I'd go if Karl did, and Karl doesn't want to."

"Your just ball-less."

Dream smiled awkwardly, before being dragged by Quackity to the entrance of a long queue. I smiled at him softly, waving at him as he looked back.
Instead of the cute smile I was used to receiving, I got a frightened stare and no wave at all.

My heart still ached, I'd have to drag him away from the group to talk to him..

//- Later -\\

"George we're going on the bumper cars! Wanna come?"

"Yeah sure man why not."


I chuckled at Karl's excitement as he grabbed my hand and dragged me along. Before he did I tried to grab Dreams hand but he pulled away before I could. He'd been avoiding me all day, allowing everyone else to drag him anywhere they wished, even though he didn't want to do some of the things he had been doing.

We went on the bumper cars for about 15 minutes, Quackity and Sapnap targeting each other. I kept looking over at Dream, becoming more and more worried as the minutes slowly passed by.

When the cars finally stopped, I told the others I was going to the bathroom as they walked away to the carnival games. I grabbed Dreams arm, looking at him with sorrow in my eyes.

"Dream please.. come talk to me."

He swallowed a lump in his throat, and allowed me to pull him near to the bathroom. I cupped his cheek, looking into his gorgeous green eyes.

(George's colourblindness- "ima just head out)

"Love I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just- didn't know how to tell you."

"It's fine- it was stupid I guess.. I shouldn't have ignored you."

"Are we ok now?"

"Mhm.. yeah.."

I kissed his cheek gently, placing my forehead against his.

The rest of the day consisted of Dream and me staying close by each other and I won Dream a frog teddy.

//- End -\\


Halloween special next chapter- or the one after idk it depends.

Again go check out Capybara_box they are an amazing writer and they have multiple books :))


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