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Requested by fluffy_domdom

Scopophobia - persistent fear of being watched or stared at. While many people may feel some level of anxiety when they are the center of attention, these feelings are exaggerated and out of proportion to the situation for people with scopophobia

Everyone is one year apart in age (Dream is 24, George is 25 and SapNap is 23)
lol trying to get out updates as fast as I can bc I have like 13 drafts- it's fine :)

Flashbacks in italics

//- George -\\

For as long as I had known Dream, he had been absolutely terrified of showing his face. I had no idea why but apparently SapNap did. But I didn't get told. SapNap and Dream had been dating since Dream was around eighteen and SapNap was seventeen, and I had got with the both of them when I was twenty one. I had been together with them for four years.
I walked downstairs, seeing both Dream and SapNap on the couch. Dream lay at Sapnaps side, sound asleep, as SapNap scrolled through the Tv trying to find something to watch.

SapNap spotted me and called me over, being careful as to not wake up Dream. I walked over and sat on the other side of him, smiling at him as he picked a series called 'the good doctor.' He smiled at me and put his head into my chest, whilst still rubbing Dreams head.

"Hey Sap. Do you know why Dream doesn't really like to show his face..?"

"Yeah I do.. it took him ages to tell me why, but he stopped coming to school because of it. Before you ask- he should be the one to tell you.. not me."

I nodded and kissed Saps forehead softly. We both watched the episode that was playing on the Tv, waiting for Dream to wake up. Eventually he did, and as soon as he woke up decided to nuzzle his face into Sapnaps chest. This made us both frown, not knowing how to help the Floridian with his reasons of why he didn't show his face to many people.

"My love.. can we talk?"

The Floridian hummed, moving his head slightly to the side so he could look at the both of us. He looked down slightly, not wishing to make eye contact. He waited for us both to speak.

"I just want to know why you hide your face.. it's so pretty and I feel like you don't know how pretty it is.."

The Floridian frowned at me and tried to hide his face again, but failed as SapNap stopped him.

"Baby, don't hide. George deserves to know. If you don't want to tell him yourself I can tell him?"

He nodded, and moved his head to the side again. He cleared his throat and began to speak.

//- Third person ~ In high school -\\

For as long as the Floridian could remember, he had been bullied about his facial features and his weight. It made the boy feel like crap, being chased into bathrooms and ignored by all those who surrounded him except one boy. A Texan who had moved to Florida from a young age. The two had been best friends ever since.

The Texan was the only one in the school grounds that made him feel good about being and looking like himself. Even with the support and encouragement  from his best friend, the older of the two never told his family. Instead he began to bottle it up and wear oversized hoodies to hide his weight and would wear the hood up to cover his face. The Texan was hurt that the Floridian would listen to the bullies words, and even go through with what they were suggesting by hiding his face and figure.

"Clay im just saying! You shouldn't be hiding anything about your body.. your beautiful."

"Nick- it's fine. What their saying is true."

Nick scoffed and tried to grab Clays hand but failed as he shoved them into his hoodie pockets. He sped walked away, seeing the people who made fun of and bullied him all the time.
Nick had tried  for months on end to try and say something to the group, or the teachers, or even his own family but he came out unsuccessful.

<over the months, Clay had stopped coming to school. He refused to go in, saying he was sick and to prove it he made himself throw up whatever food he had eaten. Eventually the Floridian got extremely sick and ended up in hospital. The Texan became extremely annoyed and got into a fight with one of the people who were bullying Clay. Nick got suspended for fighting and so did the group of four kids who bullied Clay. Eventually Clay got out of hospital and was back in school, so was Nick>

//- SapNap ~ Present time -\\

"That's why I don't like showing my face.. it's just last high school stuff I never got over."

I frowned as Dream began to tear up, hating the fact that both me and George were watching so he hid his face in my chest once more. I rubbed his back and whispered softly into his ear.

"It's ok baby.. you don't need to hide from us.."

He shook his head in my chest and sniffled again. I looked over at George and frowned, mentally trying to figure out how we can help him. George sighed and looked at me, as if he was nonverbally asking me if he could hold Dream.
I nodded and removed my arms from Dreams body and allowing George to pick him up and sit him down into his lap. George began to stroke his hair softly, kissing his forehead.

"Baby.. what If you face revealed..? Or started doing face cam with a mask like Ranboo does? Just to try and get over your fear. If you don't want to it's fine- it's just a suggestion."

Dream shook his head softly in George's neck, still sniffling no matter how much comfort we gave him. George nodded and kissed his head again, still rubbing the back of his neck with one hand. With the other he pulled me into the side of his chest and rested his head on my own as I tucked my head into the side of his neck.

"You'll be ok baby.. you'll learn to love your body just as we do. I promise you, and we both love you so much."

The boy nodded into George's chest and sat comfortably in George's lap, falling asleep as me and George continued to watch the show that sat unattended on the tv.

//- End -\\

1140+ words

Again speed running because I have like fourteen chapters to get out 👍
I hope this is what you had in mind cause I have like no idea-

Hope you enjoyed!



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