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Celestial135 Requested this :)

Basically just Dream and George live in a snowy area by themselves (and patches.)

George and Dream are basically human with reindeer features like horns/Antlers and tails.
Patches is a snow leopard but trained to love Dream and George fully.

The pictures keep disappearing 😭

//- Third Person -\\

Two reindeer hybrids that lived together with a snow leopard as a pet.
Other than that the two lived alone, and they were fine with that.
They enjoyed the silence, always enjoying being together.

The two lived in a small cottage in a deep winter wood, the wood being struck with winter air and snow all year round.
The cottage was small and made of a dark oak wood, the couple having made it themselves. The garden was covered in different plants and flowers that could and could not be eaten. The woods that surrounded the cottage house having an all year round winter for some reason the couple didn't understand but it was inhabited by; snow otters, snow Leopards, different species of birds and other animals.

The two males who inhabited these woods were Dream and George. They were the reindeer hybrids. The woods had different snow coated animals to keep them company, but there was one in particular that Dream and George (mainly Dream) loved the most. The animal in particular was a snow leopard with darker and lighter grey patches of fur dotted along its body, in a polkadot pattern. This made Dream think of the perfect name for said animal, which was...


Dream didn't care if the name was basic or obvious. He just found the name nice and funny. Besides his lover George agreed to it.

George and Dream didn't really have a label to anything, not knowing anyone but each other. This meant that the pair didn't know if they would be like boyfriends or husbands or lovers or what. It was confusing to them both so they just decided to be together, they didn't need a label to anything since it was just the two.

The couple had rings though, made from a special form of branch that only grows in certain winter conditions. Even in the right conditions the plant only ever grew once every decade, give or take a couple of months. George had took a branch from the tree (after it had fallen) and made it into a special ring for his partner and himself.

The two also had things that go onto their antlers, their tails being hidden by the winter clothes they wore (them being used to the cold by now) unless they were inside.

//- George -\\

I put a small teaspoon in the sink, and walked outside to where my partner Dream was sitting with our snow leopard, patches.

"Hi my love. I made us some hot chocolate. Do you wanna come inside?"

Dream looked over at me and smiled, waving and making his way over to me. I smiled at him as well and hugged him tightly, kissing his cold cheeks softly.

"Did you have fun sweetheart?"

Dream nodded into my chest, me rubbing the top of his head around his antlers.

"I made hot chocolate, you want some?"

"Oh- yess! Please!"

I chuckled and kissed his forehead softly, pulling him inside; Patches following close behind. I grabbed the two mugs from the kitchen counter and walked into our bedroom (since our hours was only one story).

I gave Dream the mug and sat down next to him, rubbing his arms softly as we talked and drank our hot chocolate.

//- End -\\

650 words

Idk why these are all getting out so fast it's just that I type fast and that when I start I don't stop until my fingers are literal nubs-

Anyway I hope this was ok and that it:
1. Made sense
2. For into your request celestial

I hope you enjoyed!



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