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Requested by Capybara_box Obviously

Kinda different- but I have permission

George and Dream- Childhood friends AU
Teenagers AU
(George: 17
Dream: 16
Sapnap: 15
Karl: 17)

George, Sapnap, Dream and Karl stuck in an irl FNAF security breach ruin. And begin getting picked off by the animatronics until it's only Dream and George left.
Then what happens???


//- Dream -\\

I awoke from a loud alarm, blaring my ears until I felt they were going to explode. I quickly arose from a cold, hard floor. Looking around my surroundings, three other people surrounded me. I walked towards the two boys who were lay together, still stirring from the Blaring alarm.

I looked at the faces of the two boys, and recognised them as my friends Nick Armstrong (otherwise known as Sapnap) and Karl Jacobs. The two boys had been dating for a while, maybe about a couple of months after I met the both of them. I tapped Sapnap on the shoulder gently, waking him up.

"What the fuck?! Dream? Where are we?"

"I dunno man. I just woke up here. Maybe you should wake up Karl. I'm going to check on who the other person here is."

He nodded and started lightly shaking Karl as I walked towards the other boy, not recognising him at first. I gently shook him by his shoulders.
His eyes jolted open as he lunged forward. He looked at me, with chocolate brown eyes that looked scarily familiar.

"Hello..? Where am I..?"

"Oh uh- I don't know sorry.. we all woke up here. This is Karl and Nick."

I spoke as I rubbed the back of my neck and then pointed at Karl and Nick.

"I prefer to be referred to as Sapnap though if that's ok."

The unnamed boy made a weird face before shrugging in agreement.

"What's your name?"

"Oh- Clay. But I prefer to be referred to as Dream."

The brunette eyes widened, for some reason I couldn't quite tell. Maybe it was due to the weird nickname.

"Dude why do you even like the name Dream?"

Karl asked. He had always wondered the origin behind my strange nickname and I had just realised I had never actually told him.

"Oh it's just something I got as a child. What happened was-"

//- Dream ~ Eight Years ago ~ When Dream and 'unnamed' (George) first met. George: 9 years old. Dream: 8 years old -\\

"Clay honey, there's some new neighbours in town. Let's go say hi."

"But momm! I wanna play Lego's!"

"You can play legos later. Come on."

I groaned as I walked out of the house after putting my shoes on. I moped down the path as me and my mom made our way down the long straight road. We made it to the house that had been until recently vacant.

"Clay, stand up straight."

I fixed my posture as best as possible before my mom knocked on the painted black door. It took a minute or two before a nice looking woman, with pink glasses, blue eyes and brown hair answered the door.

"Hello? Can I help you?"

"Hi yes sorry. We noticed you moved in a couple days ago, we're your neighbours just up the road. I'm Sara and this is my son Clay."

"Oh hello. My names Barbara and I actually have a son as well. His name's George. He's in his room if your son wants to play."

I looked up at my mom, who beckoned me to go into the house. I walked in, seeing family pictures and other random photos of people and places.

The nice lady showed me to her sons room, knocking on the door and entering.

"George this is a boy from down the street. He wants to play with you."

"Ok mum!"

"Ok bye boys. I'll see you soon."

The mum left, and I awkwardly stood in the doorway. He beckoned me over to were he sat on his carpeted black floor.
I shuffled over to him, looking at him and taking in the details of his face. He had chocolate brown hair, with mocha coloured brown eyes.

~ After a couple of months we became really close, but then, one day when I walked to his house- his mum and dad were moving houses again. I went to ask him about it. I wondered why he didn't tell. ~

"George! Why are you moving?"

"I'm sorry Clay! Apparently something is wrong with my grandma so we need to go see her."

"Oh.. I'm sorry. I hope she gets better.."

He smiled softly and walked over to me, giving me a lung dying hug.

"I'm sorry Clay. Being friends with you was and is a dream."


"Yeah.. that's what I'll call you! Dream."

"Thank you George.."

"Bye Dream.."

~ I went back a couple of hours later. He was gone. A note was outside my house before that though. I never forgot him. ~

"Wow man. Deep."

"Thanks dude."

Sarcasm laced my voice as I side-eyed Sapnap. I looked back at the brunette who stood in shock the entire time I told my story.

"Hi-? Are you ok?"


"Uh yeah?"

"It's me.. George. George Davidson.."

"What- GEORGE?!"

I gasped loudly and ran into George's arms. He hugged me, exactly as he had hugged me the day he left me. But now he's back.

And he's not leaving.

I went to speak again before hearing scraping from the background.

"What was that..?"

//- End ~ For now.. -\\

900 words

Part 1 cause I'm lazy

Mainly just backstory for now.
I'll make more parts soon if I can be bothered. Idk probably will do it.
Deffo will actually.

Might not make the parts all after the other but idk yet. It just depends on other ideas I get/ requests I get.

Suggestions ——>

Byyeeee thanks for reading!!!

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