Pamper day

172 4 3

I was gonna make this a request from @Floractic but i decided against it cause their request is different to this.

The amount of squiggly red lines on my screen rn :'( 
It's cause of my chromebook, and i can't get rid of them cause i dunno how and i'm too lazy to google words to spell them right 

//- Third Person -\\

Dream and George loved to do skin care and other means of self love. Dreams personal favourite was just to put on moisturiser and face masks, sitting and chilling. Sometimes in the bath after a long day.
George, George only loved to do whatever Dream wanted to, and he didn't really care. He just liked to see Dream happy. 

The two had just recently finished a day-long stream train with their friend and roommate Sapnap (or Nick) for Christmas. It was basically the same thing they did last year; Dream hosted a stream where the three exchanged gifts (which would last about two and a half hours), Sapnap would host a stream which would involve the trio making some form of a sugary food (most likely cookies). This stream would last about three and a half to four hours, depending on what they decided to make and how idiotic they wanted to be. 

They also added in something, a stream that George would host. A just dance stream, using any Christmasy ones they could find, along with the classics. 
(Timber, Ghostbusters etc.) 

When the stream train was finally finished, Sapnap immediately thanked the couple for his gifts and went up to his room, to either sleep or chill and relax. 

The couple made their way into Dreams room, which had a bathroom/ en suite connected to it. Dream huffed loudly and flopped onto his bed, as George sat next to him and rubbed his back softly. 

"Are you ok baby? Just tired?"

Dream hummed and nodded into his pillow, turning his body around to face George. George smiled softly and layed down next to Dream, grasping his boyfriends soft hands with his own. As George did this, Dream turned his body sideways to be able to nuzzle his head into the olders shoulder/ chest. The brunette smiled and (unbeknownst to the blonde on top of/ next to him) brought his lips to the youngers curly golden brown hair. The two lay together for about ten minutes before an idea popped into the brunette's head. 

//- George -\\

"Hey love? You wanna go have a bath?"

I watched as Dream flew up from where he lay beside me, looking at me with pure shock and excitement. I knew why he was so shocked, it's because usually he would be the one asking me to have a bath with him. 

I smiled at his excitement, holding out my hand for him to grab. He took it and pulled me off of the bed, dragging me into the bathroom. I chuckled as he began to grab all of his skin care products, placing them on a wooden board that was able to go across the bath tub. 
As he did that, i began to run the bath. I made sure the temperature was perfect and that there was just enough bubble bath in there so that it didn't bug Dream in any way. 

As the bath ran, I left to get me and Dream some comfier clothes as well as some towels. When i came back I saw that the bath had finished running (Since the tap was no longer on and Dream was standing next to it whilst fiddling with his fingers. 
I smiled and placed the towels and clothes on the sink counter, walking over to Dream and rubbing his hips softly.

"What's up baby?"

"I wanted to wait for you.. are you getting in..?"

I nodded, my heart melting as his face lit up. I let my hands fall away from his hips and began to get undressed, looking away from Dream after seeing that he was doing the same. 

When I was done getting undressed, I got into the tub. I watched as Dream got in after me, blushing slightly since i was looking at his gorgeous and perfect body. As he submerged his lower body into the water I pulled his body towards my own, rubbing his stomach and hips gently. 

We sat and washed each other's bodies and hair, being extremely loving and caring. We decided to sit in the bath for a while, just sitting and taking in each other's presence. Eventually we began to share soft, gentle kisses or pecks on each other's lips, before wanting more from each other. We began to share longer and more passionate kisses, each becoming more aggressive and needy (more on Dreams end). 

"G-George.. ngh.." 

"Yes my love. What's wrong..?" 

Dream sighed shakily, resting his head on my shoulder, breathing heavily. I smiled and rubbed circles around his back, I knew that he was tired, which was fine. I pressed my lips against his hair softly and picked him up out of the bath, wrapping him in a warm towel. 

We both got dressed in some comfy pyjamas, and sat in bed. We decided to not do any skin care, since I didn't really know how to do stuff and Dream was really tired(since he was always extremely tired after baths). 

"Good night my love." 


//- End -\\

920+ words

i hope this was ok! I'm going to write two other chapters and then something that might be slightly similar to this.

I hope you enjoyed!

Suggestion/ request---->


Dreamnotfound oneshots (Requests are Closed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن