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Johns POV

I have to say, I have a love hate relationship with touring. On one had I get to see all of my fans and celebrate and have a great time with them, but on the other hand I am always so tired by the end of the day. What makes matters worse is that I am in a completely different time zone every day and I loose take of when I can call and talk to Taylor and Emmy. This is why I am so happy the tour is almost over. However, also disappointed. I don't know how I feel. I have about 3 weeks left on tour and I really miss them. It really sucks because Taylor just finished up her tour a couple of weeks ago on July 10th and went back home to see her parents. 

After I left to go back on tour, Tree ended up getting Taylor's mom back to baby sit Emmy. However, Andrea still hates me. I get it though; I am an idiot. It is nice that Taylor is back however, because now that she is at least we are close to the same time zone. Speaking o which I need to call before the concert if I expect to talk to both her and Emmy. 

I silently get out my cellphone while siting on the bed and dial Taylor. I get two rings and sent to voicemail. "That's weird." I think to myself trying to call her again, going straight to voicemail. "Huh, I guess I'll have to call her later." I head out my bus towards the venue and see Steve and Tree talking. Wait why is Tree here? I walk over to them. 

"Hey Steve, Hey Tree." I say walking up to them. 

"Hey John, What's up?" Steve asks. 

"Nothing much. I was going to talk to Taylor but her phone is off of something. Anyway, I am going to get some coffee from down the road before the show. Can I steal the go-kart?"

Steve nods his head and smiles,  "Have fun John." 

I simply turn around and get the go-kart. Once inside the kart I turn it on and head down the road to Dunkin Doughnuts. Their coffee is okay but Tay got me hooked on Starbucks when I was with her and now I hooked. Anyway I order my coffee and head back. Once back, I just head back stage and sit on one of the couches playing on my phone. 

After a few minutes, I get bored and grab my guitar and start to play on it just plucking stings here and there. Soon after Steve come up requesting the keys to the go-kart which I throw to him and continue. I start to work out a new progression and get up and grab a napkin and a pen to write it down. This continues until 20 minutes before the show which is when we had to start getting ready. I go and get my stuff hooked up and ready while everyone else was running around. 

Soon enough the show started up and it was going very smoothly. We stop to answer some questions after the third song in the set so that we could get some water. 

"Why did you have pink hair at the beginning of this wing of the tour" a fan asked. 

This caused me to spit my water out, and choke for a moment, "Ugh wrong pipe," I say coughing away from the microphone. After a minute I got over the coughing fit and answered, "I had pink hair because some tour mates at the time decided to pull a prank on me a couple of days before we came back out. As such I did not have time to get it fixed before the first couple of shows. Why did I look better pink?" I ask trying to avoid the question of 'who'. 

The crowd all screams. 

"Wait you like me pink more than black?" I ask confused.

The crowd all screams again. 

"Fine, we'll see, but I have no promises. Actually, I should probably stop my stupid mouth from talking." After this we start the next song. 

The rest of the show went very well. We had only three more songs left: 'Come Back to Bed', 'Your Body is A Wonderland', and 'Clarity'.

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