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Everyone looked at me with eyebrows raised, "I said that out loud... didn't I ?" I questioned as I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Yeah you did," John chuckled, "it was kinda cute, actually." He scratched the back of his head, "Anyways, it's nice to finally meet you. Your voice is beautiful; obviously, it's not only your voice."

"Uh... wow, thank you. It's nice to meet you too, I honestly can't believe you wanted my voice on the track," I rambled slightly.

"Your voice is absolutely stunning and would go with mine perfectly. I am so ecstatic that you accepted my offer, and I can't wait to work with you the next couple of days," John spoke with a glimmer in his eye.

"I'm speechless, thank you so much. That really means a lot coming from an established artist like you."

"The pleasure is all mine!"

We were interrupted by my manager asking, "Are you two going to sit down and eat with the rest of us?"

"Yeah, Sorry," He replied to Tree.

"It's fine, please, have a seat." Tree smiled back at John.

He then walked around the table and pulled out a chair. "Taylor, would you like to have a seat here?"

"Ummm..." I pondered, "Of course. You did not have to do that."

"I wanted to," he said with a sly grin.

I wondered why he was being so nice to me. Is he not supposed to be some kind of player? It was confusing because he was acting so kind and genuine. Which was the total opposite of what the media had to say about him. While I was having a conversation with myself, John had apparently asked me a question.

"Taylor, did you hear him? He asked you something," Tree inquired.

"No, I'm so sorry. I was in my own little world. What did you ask me?"

John smiled and repeated himself patiently as if nothing happened, "How was your flight?"

I smiled, "Everything was great. There wasn't a kid kicking the back of my seat so that's a plus. Thanks for asking."

"That's good, I've had that happen to me before. It's not the best feeling in the world," he chuckled and turned to the other people at the table.

Pretty much everybody wanted to talk to him about something or another. I was sure he was used to having people practically beg for his attention. Maybe that was why he was able to drift so smoothly between the conversations and retain it all. I couldn't even carry on one conversation without zoning out, so it amazed me that he could have seven going at one time. When there was finally a break in the chatter, I took it as an opportunity to try and further our talk from earlier.

"So, did you fly here or do you just live here?"

"No I don't live here," he grinned amused, "I have been here for a few days because I'm currently touring. My show here is actually tonight."

"Oh...really? How much are tickets?"

"Free if you would like one," he answered still smirking at me with that stupid sly grin.

"No, I can't do that. Have you sold out yet?"

"Yes but I always keep a few backstage passes handy," he winked.

"Why do you keep backstage passes with you? Aren't they usually bulky? Where did you put them?" I babbled

"You have so many questions." He tilted his head while saying, "I have a question for you, Miss Taylor. Why are you so inquisitive, curious even?"

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