Chapter 134/Levi POV

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Levi POV

I couldn't go and see her, I couldn't get out of this truck until I finished the this.

I had to know.

After picking up a few items for dinner, I pulled Y/N from the stack of books she had lost herself in after I left her freshly fucked in the library.

Looking down, I pull the book open to the last entry I had read.

"The pregnant Subject of Yimir bodies rejected the pregnancy. The body of the subject deteriorated from the inside out. The fetus being a outsider to the bond was a silent death sentence. For months the Ackerman males had food forced down their throat and water, just enough to keep them alive. A single torch lit in each cell, allowing the Ackerman enough light to watch their mates body fall apart from the inside out."

My hand betrays me. The book falls onto my lap.

Suddenly I'm happy to be siting in this metal death trap, If I wasn't I'm sure I would be on the ground.

I lean forward resting my hands on the steering
wheel and then my forehead on the back of them as rain patters against the window.

I couldn't breathe.

My jaw clenches, my eyes squeezing shut.

My fingers wrap around the steering wheel. My knuckles going white.

The leather creaks with the pressure.

I couldn't think straight nonetheless see straight.

She... She couldn't go through with it. We'd go into the city, see a doctor who specializes in this. She was still fairly early on still. If we could get to it early enough we might have a shot. It would be hard yes, but in a few years time we could try again for one of our own, when she's ready-

My jaw slips, as my teeth overlap for short second.

I feel it then. A small sharp object laying on my tongue.

I open my mouth, reaching in I pull out a small piece of tooth.

I had chipped a tooth, I hadn't even realized.

Shaking my head, I allow it to fall forward reading the already open page from the book.

"The woman's bodies had gone sceptic over the months, the infection eventually spilling into their insides. The fetus poisoning the bond from within, destroying all ties the Ackerman had to the Subject. It is said that no Ackerman nor mated Subject were able to withstand the disband of the bond. No Ackerman was ever recorded to have withstood the entirety of the pregnancy to free themselves from the Subject, some claim the Ackerman's wouldn't've even if they could and others say they would have died alongside their mate without regret."

"Most of subjects bled out by miscarriage before the infection could plant its roots or if they made it past their second trimester they would likely go sceptic shortly after. The Ackerman's eyes were said to have been blind by the time their mate had perished never being able to see their others last moments. The Ackerman's eyes were of hallow shells when the suffering had finally ended, when the Ackerman and Subject had met their end. "

"When the soldiers returned the Ackerman's were dead as well, assuming they follow their mate. It is said the heartbeat between a Ackerman and a Subject beat at the same pace, for when one stops the other does too."

My head shoots up, eyes wide.

I feel her.

I can never feel her anymore.

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