Chapter 87/ Levi POV

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                            Flash back to the Ball

Levi POV

Blair's fingers thread through my hair as her hand strokes my chest.

I couldn't control my heavy breathing if I tried, and none of it was due to the woman beside me.

The liquor was certainly making matters worse, but I was aware enough to know who I wanted.

And it wasn't her.

"She's watching us."

Exhaling out loud, I bring my drink back up to my lips watching Y/N lean into Poroc's hold as his hand slips beneath her waist and into her dress.

My teeth clench, body stiffening as my eye twitches in anger.

It was hard to watch, to know he was feeling what I had pressed up against me all last night.

I didn't leave her until morning. I should have left earlier to tend to our daughter or at least carry Faye into bed with us. I should have just brought her back to Y/N's room, every second now that was becoming clearer.

But I wasn't sure if I was ready for that, if she was. I wanted to take baby steps.

But I found it near impossible to pry my body away from hers. And after how transparent she was with me about her feelings last night, I couldn't leave. I needed the night with her. I needed it to last.

"She's watching me."

Exhaling out, my patience wears thin as I correct her.

I watch her dress move as his hands glide up and down the slit stroking her thigh. Her eyes close as she rests her head into his chest.

I stiffen, pushing myself to stand as my chest aches.

But Blair's hand finds my face, turning me to meet her eyes as she leans into whisper in my ear.

My eyes shoot straight back to Y/N. Not wanting to not have eyes on her.

He was touching her and she was drunk. Something about that didn't sit right. It wasn't okay with me, not in the slightest.

Things had changed, really changed between us last night.

We needed to talk, I wanted to. I wanted to take whatever leap it was, whatever was necessary to fix us. I wanted to be whole again. I was willing to put myself through whatever it was to give Faye her mother back, to have her back.

"Relax, your wearing your emotions on your sleeve. Let's go get some air."

Pushing her chair out, she grabs ahold of my hand, pulling me to my feet before we make for the doors.

The second we make it through them, I rip my hand away.

"I'm fine, I'm going back in there. She shouldn't be left alone with him-"

"You need a minute to breathe, it's clear to anyone who is looking your way. You look like your about two seconds away from ripping his head off."

My eyes narrow.

"Maybe I am. Maybe that's what he needs. I don't need you to tell me what I need, I'm perfectly capable of-"

Her lips slam into mine before I can finish, sending me stumbling back into the wall.

I was drunker then I thought. My footing almost giving way.

I shouldn't have had all those extra drinks, I just over did it. I was angry it was Porco with her tonight, making her smile on that dance floor and not me. I tried to intervene but it only ended up making matters worse.

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