Chapter 64/ ???/ Levi POV

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A glimpse into the future

??? POV

"What else does her file say?" Eyes narrowing, my arms cross over my chest, watching her and the other War Masters run the standard corse. She was clearly above them, they all were above average.
Hints as to why we didn't know where to place them quite yet.

Eyes meeting Reiners, his lips form into a hard line.

"Nothing. There's nothing on her that's available to the public. She's a nobody, somebody who showed up with no memory or recollection of who she is, the experiments made sure of that."

I'm not sure why but his words anger me, my chest tightening, I don't even know her but...I knew she was mine, that the bond had already been set into place while they experimented on her. But I didn't expect it to react like this, for me to feel this way.

I was already protective, fuck. I didn't know her, we hadn't even exchanged names. But I felt like I knew her, a part inside of me cried out for her.

Inhaling, my eyes find her on the course again.

"Zeke brought back that ODM gear from his time spent on that Devil island, we have been able to replicate it. She seems to be pretty comfortable with it. Almost like she never forgot."

Turning my back, my eyes land on her. Ahead of everyone else. She was fast, but I was faster. I'm sure that was accounted for when selecting the bonds.

"Yes, I mean she was a Captain in the Military back on the island. She ran her shit tight. No room for error, both her and her husband were elite soldiers-"

"Don't, I don't want to hear about him."

Cutting him off I run my hands through my hair, I feel my fingers slip into the close shaved undercut. I sigh out loud. My chest tightening again.

The thought of her with any other male, warming his bed at night. The fact that while I was here all these years she was there, doing god knows what with him... Its infuriating. I can't stand it. The very cells in my being are fighting against it, even at this very second.

"You know about him, don't you?"

Yeah I know about him, all about how he put down countless of our Titans just in pursuit to get her back. Rumors that he had sliced the nape of 6 titans before even one managed to hit the ground, that the rage that filled his scream was enough to shake the battle field when he realized that he had lost her. The only thing stopping him from getting her back being the fact that he ran out of gas on his gear. And even then, he chased Pieck and Zeke on foot for nearly half a mile before they cleared the wall.

Reiners tone changes, almost softening. He can see his words have hit deep. That he's upset me. Him out of anyone should understand the bond.

"I've read her file, her real file. Front to back and then again just to make sure I didn't miss anything. Yeah, I know about him, I know about the fucking kid."

Pushing myself from the railing, I peel my eyes from her.

We haven't made contact, we haven't spoke.

I've tried to engage, but I think she knows.

Maybe she feels it too.

The thin ribbon that ties us to one another.

I can.

"Have you made any ground with her? You two are the only remaining. Everyone else's War Masters have accepted the bond. You two are the only ones."

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