Chapter 123/ Levi POV

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Levi POV

Stepping outside of the women's bathroom, I stand beside Hange as I watch Y/N run down the hall and out the front doors.

Reaching into my back pocket, I pull a pack out, reaching in, I grab a smoke. Placing it between my lips as I light a match.

I wasn't sure when I started smoking. It was just a habit I picked up.

I straighten my suit, dusting off the non existent lint as the smoke sits between my lips.

"I gotta say, that was really hot to watch."

She turns to look me in the eye.

I exhale smoke through my nose.

"I can't even imagine how it would be to be either of you."

Hange grins at me, her arms folded over her chest as we watch the doors swing shut after Y/N.

I roll my eyes, bringing my hand up to pull the smoke away.

"Yeah, I'd rather fuck my wife in private next time. Did you really have to step in? She was..."

Uhg, I grown under my breathe before I ever argue in more smoke.

It wasn't a complete loss. I got to feel her cum on my cock again which was liberating in itself. So I wont complain, I'd happily take blue balls any day if it meant I could do that again with her.

"Never mind."

We stand there in silence for a moment, giving me enough time to track Y/N down through the bond.

She was running. I could see it through her eyes. She was making a B line for the rose gardens behind the court house.

That's where we decided to host the reception.

I breathe in deeply taking my last drag before I drop it on the ground. Pressing my boot into the cherry I put it out.

She wasn't leaving, good. It would save me the trip to wherever she had been calling home as of late.

She was right.

I'd just track her the second she left, and that's what I was doing.

And that meant..

Y/N had accepted the bond once again on her own free will.

She accepted it the moment I first stuck my cock in her. I felt no hesitation.

No fight.

She wanted this.

She knew what being bonded to me meant and she did it anyways.

It had yet to disappear completely, the bond but its true.

It was fading over the past year.

"Aren't you going to go after her?"

Hange steps in front of me, holding her hands up.

"No, I'll let her run it out first. I'm sure her mind is swimming with what she's seen tonight. She doesn't understand, I'm sure she's upset. I will head to her in just a moment, she needs time to process before I go and twist her brain up with how complicated this was. She's been through enough."

My eyes flash at Hange, narrowing.

I need to speak with Katrina first.

Making my way back into the ball room my eyes scan the room.

Katrina was on the dance floor, spinning in circles as a man twirled her.

The way she stumbled over herself and the doe eyes, it was a dead give away.

ViolenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora