Chapter 53/ Levi POV

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Levi POV

Y/N's loose curls from the night before bounce in the sun light as I follow closely behind, my squad behind me, minus one. I had left Dustin behind. I wanted Erwin to be the one to monitor that interaction, I was genuinely fearful I might kill him this time.

"Over there, beyond that point. I think that would be a good place to rest." Bringing her hand up over her head, she shields her eyes from the sun as she pulls back on the horses reins.

It had a been a week. A week without her. A week of us sleeping apart since I had been back on base. A week of her only being a few doors away from me. I lost count of how many times I stood out in front of her door at night, fist in the air waiting to knock as I listened to Faye cry, Y/N consoling her.

Faye was back at base with Erwin and Hange. But I almost wish she wasn't, at least with her, Y/N was forced to acknowledge me. Fucking talk to me, look at me.

Both Y/N and I were requested to go on this training exercise, to accompany both of our squads.

And I couldn't help but think this was a set up on Erwin's part, he had seen how things were going, they were slow but I was making progress. Not as fast as I would have hoped for, but some.

Y/N wasn't nearly as pissed off as she was before.

We had gotten to the point of being able to be in ones company without having to speak. Or at least not her.

I tried, any chance I got.

I was always met with a grunt or a annoyed eye roll.

She didn't want to talk, and I couldn't blame her.

If I wanted to get to her, I'd have to be patient.

Y/N's horse pushes up onto its back legs as Y/N's brings it to a stop.

"Shhhhhhh." Patting the side of the horse she looks back over her shoulder once the horses legs are on all 4.

"We will camp here for the night. Pick back up in the morning and make our way around and then back to base. We got a head start so the others should be a day behind by now." Smiling back at the squads, she makes sure to look beyond me, instead of meeting my eyes directly on.

I kick the side of my horse, forcing it to walk forward until it's side by side with Y/N. If she wouldn't initiate something, then I would.

"Inside the trees, it will give us coverage. In case it rains, or if it gets to windy. I think that's a smart call Y/-"

"Cap, how's it looking?" James rides up, cutting me off mid sentence.

Me and James had come to a understanding. Or maybe I forced him to see my side. Neither of us cared to put forth any effort to fix us. I hated him, and he hated me. It wasn't a secret.

"Captain Levi and I were discussing the trees, even though we are within the training grounds, there's still a lot of land, a lot of animals that could see us as potential pray."

Only caring enough to look up when she spoke, but still not meeting my gaze.

Captain Levi? You mean your husband? Or supposed to be...

That's what I hoped for at least.

She was disregarding me like any other man. It was fucking embarrassing. Especially in front of James, he was one of the main ones I worried about. And she was having no problem letting me know my place.

"Yeah, I think the trees may be-"

Before he could finish, I leaned over. Resting a hand on the back of Y/N's horse as I used it to hold myself up and lean even further over. Sending my hand down in one quick motion onto James horses ass.

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